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KC868-A series and Uair Smart Controller

Pages: 1 2 3 4


  1. http_request on ethernet (3 Replies)
  2. Etgernet + wifi (24 Replies)
  3. Esphome invalid config KC-868 A8 (9 Replies)
  4. Digital inputs.... (9 Replies)
  5. Pull up on A8 (11 Replies)
  6. how to config 0-5v/4-20mA ADC sensor for ESPHome (2 Replies)
  7. KC868-A16 Ethernet DS18B20 issues (11 Replies)
  8. KC868-A16 blown capacitor (1 Reply)
  9. Temperature and humidity with A6 (9 Replies)
  10. K868-a32 plastic case (1 Reply)
  11. Advice for a board (3 Replies)
  12. Lora code (9 Replies)
  13. Lesson19- how to use PCF8574 IIC extend GPIO for ESP32 multi relay (5 Replies)
  14. A16 - MQTT Issues (3 Replies)
  15. KC868-A16 need to power cycle (5 Replies)
  16. KC868-AG RF - sending repeated signals (5 Replies)
  17. KC868-A8 Switch (3 Replies)
  18. How can I power multiple devices simultaneously using KC868-A16? (12 Replies)
  19. 2 questions motors & touch (7 Replies)
  20. connecting the 868-A6 to the Raspberry via a cable (1 Reply)
  21. A8 keeps dying (1 Reply)
  22. a16 feedback (7 Replies)
  23. KC868 A16 Tasmota (1 Reply)
  24. IR Receiver Compatibility with KC868-A6 and KC868-A16 (1 Reply)
  25. IR Receiver Compatibility with KC868-A6 and KC868-A16 (1 Reply)
  26. questions! (17 Replies)
  27. Something is wrong on product detail image of KC868-A8 (5 Replies)
  28. KC868-A8 v1.5 PIR AM312 (9 Replies)
  29. KC868-A16 to steer a 24V AC circuits (5 Replies)
  30. KCS firmware - MQTT LWT? (35 Replies)
  31. What makes the ESP32 chip better over the older ESP8266? (0 Replies)
  32. A16 and HC-SR04 (1 Reply)
  33. KCS: Add ability to turn off saving output state to NVS? (7 Replies)
  34. A64 turn off (1 Reply)
  35. A16 -> TX RX pins (1 Reply)
  36. A128 and B32Pro (5 Replies)
  37. KCS firmware (14 Replies)
  38. Lesson23- How to connect RGB LED strip using ESP32 by KC868-A4 A8 (18 Replies)
  39. using KC868-A16 ESP32 relays at 220v (1 Reply)
  40. KC868-A16 & ds18b20 (11 Replies)
  41. KC868-A6 DS1307 Issue (20 Replies)
  42. PIR Sensor A6 (1 Reply)
  43. how to check PCF8574/PCF8575 i2c address (0 Replies)
  44. Pulse Counter Sensor (0 Replies)
  45. KC868-A16S or KC868-A8S (5 Replies)
  46. KC868 A6 User Guide (11 Replies)
  47. communication with I2C sensor (3 Replies)
  48. KC868-A16 esp32 board (A16)as upgrade of a Homevision Controller? (36 Replies)
  49. Lesson20- how to use PCF8574 IIC extend GPIO for ESP32 input ports (2 Replies)
  50. Kinkony A24. Digital input (5 Replies)
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