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Full Version: [Arduino IDE demo source code for KC868-A16]--#04-ADC INPUT
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Code 3: //The demo code is ADC INPUT    You can copy the code to your Arduino IDE

#include "Arduino.h"

#define ANALOG_A1   36
#define ANALOG_A2   34
#define ANALOG_A1   35
#define ANALOG_A2   39

void setup()


void loop()
  Serial.printf("Current Reading A1 on Pin(%d)=%d\n",ANALOG_A1,analogRead(ANALOG_A1));
  Serial.printf("Current Reading A2 on Pin(%d)=%d\n",ANALOG_A2,analogRead(ANALOG_A2));
  Serial.printf("Current Reading A1 on Pin(%d)=%d\n",ANALOG_A3,analogRead(ANALOG_A3));
  Serial.printf("Current Reading A2 on Pin(%d)=%d\n",ANALOG_A4,analogRead(ANALOG_A4));
I just want to confirm which ports are 4mA-20mA and which are 0-5V.. according to description in here analog input port 1 (pin36)&2(pin34) are 4mA-20mA.. and 3(pin 35)&4(pin 39) are 0-5V.., correct? At the same time in the schematic drawings all analog input ports are marked as 0-5V which makes me confused. 

The background of the question is that I'm trying to connect temperature sensor from Danfoss which operates in a range of 9-32VDC power supply and 4mA-20mA as a output signal. I connected one wire from sensor to +12VDC & the other one to port 1 (pin 36) and readings of sensor is around 950 out of 1023 (10 bits resolution) for 30C which is obviously way to much (sensor range is 0-200C so I'm expecting something around ~300). Any ideas what might be wrong?
now the default 4 CH all are 0-5v.  but you can replace two resistance switch to 4-20mA signal.
here are two diagram, left is KC868-A16, right is KC868-A4, you can replace 510R with 0R, 1002 with 150R, so that can use 4-20mA sensor.