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The ESP 3.3v is 5v now. 
i can not get ADC to read voltages . This unit just doesn't work like its described.  Angry
there are 4 channel ADC input ports, not by ESP32. do you use by home assistant?
yes, im using home assistant on raspberry pi module

Why does my 3v (next to IO1) for my ESP is now showing 5v.
it seems like the ESP32 is not working
A0,A1 is 0-5v input
A2,A3 is 4-20mA input

integrate to home assistant by MQTT, Nothing to do with esp32.
you should use MQTT integrate to home assistant for these ADC channel.
i think you have used 4 GPIO pins that for ESP32, that 4 pins not for ADC. please see here:
before use ADC, need to enable "AI autoreport En/Dis" function, so that will auto upload MQTT message or TCP message when analog input value changed.
