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Full Version: How to connect DS18B20 in KC868-A64?
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Hi, how to read temperature from DS18B20 in KC868-A64 using ESPHome?
Please show an example with a pin?

# Example configuration entry
  - pin: ???????????????????????????????

# Individual sensors
  - platform: dallas
    address: 0x1C0000031EDD2A28
    name: "Living Room Temperature"
KC868-A64 have 4 channel analog input port.
DS18B20 is 1-wire sensor, if you must want to use DS18B20, you can use extend "Serial port" on the PCB, just one pin for DATA, find Vcc 5v or 3.3v from PCB and GND. DS18B20 need three wires. then the DATA pin connect one pull up resistance.
the extend serial port use GPIO32 and GPIO33
(12-15-2022, 11:12 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]KC868-A64 have 4 channel analog input port.
DS18B20 is 1-wire sensor, if you must want to use DS18B20, you can use extend "Serial port" on the PCB, just one pin for DATA, find Vcc 5v or 3.3v from PCB and GND. DS18B20 need three wires. then the DATA pin connect one pull up resistance.
the extend serial port use GPIO32 and GPIO33

Hello, I have a problem with the ds18b20 connection and configuring esphome, please help
chose a board's free 1-wire GPIO, connect to DS18B20.
then config by esphome as this guide: