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Full Version: Transfer our own binaries to the system?
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Is it possible to obtain a schematic to be able to fully program the unit with our application? or way to transfer our own binaries to the system?

Thanks and best regards
Now we are designing new relay controller , that can be write your own code by arduino IDE. it will be finished soon.
Hello, do you have more information about that device?
when we finished, will make video to explain.
Have you news about the new device?
about 1 week.
OK, I wait
KC868-A4 smart controller PCB board in production. 4CH relay output, 4CH DI input, 1CH DS18B20 temperature sensor (but can connect many DS18B20 together), 2CH DAC, 4CH AI (2CH:4-20mA + 2CHBig GrinC 0-5V) , IR send, IR receiver, 433MHz RF sender port, 433MHz RF receiver module port, USB, WiFi+Bluetooth.  Write code by yourself to ESP32 module.
it's new.
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