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When I attach my A16 to my local network and run scan_device, nothing shows up in the list. I have let it run for over 15 minutes, but the A16 is not found.

you need download "KCS" firmware firstly. here is online guide:
here is online guide:
here is video tour:
"KCS" the newest firmware download:
take a photo of your esp download tool error screen .
When I try to download firmware I get the following message:

Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
ABS_DONE_0 False
Compressed 1789424 bytes to 751156...
[2023-03-04 21:55:36,185][ESP8266Loader_spi[1]][][line:606][ERROR]: ESP32 Chip flash download error esp_write_flash.

I've installed  KC868-A series ESP32 board USB Driver For Windows
take photo!
I finally got the down load to finish from information from another post. I removed the Wi-Fi transmitter and receiver as the other user did on the down load finished without any errors.
You should include it in your KCS firmware documentation so other users won't waste their time or yours.
what's means: "removed the Wi-Fi transmitter and receiver"?
I physically removed the wi-fi modules from the main board.
replaced another new ESP32 module?
No, I removed the 433mhz RF sender and RF receiver from the A16 ESP main board.
Same as reehanlambe did in post
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