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Hi dear

Can you confirm me please what is max input voltage range for full scale output for ADC 3 & ADC 4 of KC868-A16

Because For me its going to full scale on 3.3volts.


Imran Alam
it according to your wire quality. this not easy to say, you need to test.
I have calibrator for volt output, I am testing with that by directly applying 0 to 3.3v gradually increasing by key input to calibrator.
its looking strange that was the reason i am asking, there is no cabling involved in my case by the way.
" there is no cabling involved in my case by the way." what's your means?
Just applied calibrator probe on ADC 3 or ADC 4 and GND to see the results
can you take a video of your problem.

Any solution for this issue? I have the same problem with esphome, ADC input of my A16 board (on all channel) shows right voltage up to 3.145V, no more. 

It works perfect in range 0 - 3.145V, it shows right value. Above 3.14V it shows still 3.14V.

I used very simple code:

  - platform: adc
    pin: 39
    name: "A4 Voltage"
    update_interval: 1s
    unit_of_measurement: V
    attenuation: 11db

I think it depends on attenuation value. With attenuation: 0, it works only up to 1.1V. According to documentation, attenuation can be set to this values: 0db, 2.5db, 6db, 11db, 12db, auto, but nothing works correctly in range 0-5V.

Thanks for any observations.

you can check this video tour of analog config: