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Full Version: KC868-A8 Inputs
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Hi everyone,
I ask a silly thing: what maximum voltage can the 8 inputs (clean contacts) of the KC868-A8 board have? 12v? 220v?
The doubt arises from the fact that, when powered, with the tester, I measure 12v between the common and input 1 or input 2 or input 3 etc. etc.

digital input support 0v or 12V , can't use for 220v
actually, you can use dry contact with digital input, just short with GND means TRIGGER.
can I use digital contact as a dry contact?
(09-18-2023, 10:23 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]ok

can you send me the connection/wiring scheme?
[Image: attachment.php?aid=2917]
(09-18-2023, 12:43 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ][Image: attachment.php?aid=2917]

Maybe I did not say it clear enough. I ask for a scheme to use s3 and s4 inputs like d1, d2 etc.
S3,S4 use way as same as D1--D8, just D1--D8 support long distance 300meter. S3,S4 use by short wire way.
Excuse me. I asked for a connection diagram to use the digital inputs as dry contat.
right, just S3 or S4 connect a switch for GND.
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