Hello everyone, I’m trying to find an option in the new firmware to make a repeating action on/off every 100 milliseconds. Can anyone help, I don’t see a loop function?
(11-30-2023, 05:26 AM)kyxap Wrote: [ -> ]Hello everyone, I’m trying to find an option in the new firmware to make a repeating action on/off every 100 milliseconds. Can anyone help, I don’t see a loop function?
Write an arduino code and loop on and off every 100milliseconds
void loop()
pcf8574.digitalWrite(P0, HIGH);
pcf8574.digitalWrite(P0, LOW);
the purpose is not to use arduino but your new firmware
do you want board only use for "repeating action on/off every 100 milliseconds"? just one function? or what else function you wanted?
(11-30-2023, 05:49 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]do you want board only use for "repeating action on/off every 100 milliseconds"? just one function? or what else function you wanted?
I will use it for liquid injection when sensor is equal to some value mosfet hast to open and close valves 100 milisec to 10 sec depend on what our clients need to be liquid electro conductivity.
(11-30-2023, 05:49 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]do you want board only use for "repeating action on/off every 100 milliseconds"? just one function? or what else function you wanted?
Other tuya and ewelink relays has loop function
ok, if you sure tuya app can do that, our board also can do that. just use tuya license with KCS firmware.
(11-30-2023, 10:22 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]ok, if you sure tuya app can do that, our board also can do that. just use tuya license with KCS firmware.
Thanks but ive already try it with tuya licens and its not possible for that device also if we use tuya it need internet connection. Your firmware is very good just in futire if there is a chance for time loop will be very well.
thanks, we will save your suggestions.