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Full Version: "KCS" v2.2.2 firmware BIN file download
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(12-29-2023, 12:05 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]Yes.

Where? There's no file attached to the first message for A32.
sorry, A32 firmware is here.
(01-03-2024, 12:48 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]KCS support one GPIO by one sensor. if you use ESPHome, support one GPIO use for multi DS18B20 sensor.

But that feature could be very useful. I made by myself, and because of that I can't use your KCS firmware Sad which has a lot of great stuffs integrated.

If you want I can send to you the code what I did, to can integrate in your firmware. My integration doesn't add any delay for the cycle time, because I used the second core of the microprocessor and it has management too, by the DS10B20 unique code.
ok, thanks, you can upload at here, share with DIYers.
hi, should we expect an added loop (repeat) feature in ifttt on the new firmware?
Even with this firmware 2.2.2, after update form 2.0.5, there is still a time failure.
I'm living in GMT/UTC +1 but your software is still showing the time 7 hours behind even I did configure UTC +1.
What about time saving  changes? Will they happen automatically or do we have to do that manually?
The change of visibility for local time is also missing but much less of a problem.
i think you can chose another NTP server in SYSTEM webpage. There are some NTP server on internet. ESP32 board when power on , will get the time zone from internet.
The big problem is NOT that the time is out of sync for some seconds or minutes.
The problem is that the change of UTC does NOT refelct the numbers changed.
I do have tested the NTP server with as well as with as used on several other projects without any problems.

To proof the fault.
Zhejiang is in nthe timezone UTC +8. So at the time of this writing, this should show as 18:02.
But If I change the "time zone" in the System on the KC868_AG it is still 7 hours to. low.

If I let the index page open for a certan time, the shwon clock gets slowly out of sync with dropped seconds. Only after a refersh of the webpage, the time is in sync again...


(12-07-2023, 01:31 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]Here is "KCS" firmware for KinCony KC868-A series (ESP32) board.
How to download and use, online guide:

v2.2.2 improment:
1. fixed bug can't show negative temperature with DS18B20
KC868-AG Pro:

I'm missing the following possibilities which other products (even Open Source) do have as a standard.
- Hide passwords per DEFAULT!!!  (only show on user interaction)
- Firmware Update over network (OTA), internal HTTP Server. Right now after every firmware update I lose all settings and configs.
- Ability to upload certificate for a secure HTTPS management connection
- Firmware Update without loss of all settings!!!! VERY IMPORTANT AND ANNOYING
- Download-/Upload all device settings, use HASH for password(s)
- Download/Upload IR/RF Codes to be able to share them with others and therefore to build a database of those codes
(01-27-2024, 11:41 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]i think you can chose another NTP server in SYSTEM webpage. There are some NTP server on internet. ESP32 board when power on , will get the time zone from internet.

As a proof that the device is getting NTP time code, see this video.
Also you will see, that if I change the time zone to UTC+8 which is the one you are living, even then it's wrong.
It also does proof that you have probably a code failure where UTC+0 is instead shwon as UTC+7.
Hello, I'm facing the same issue in the UTC+1 timezone with a delay of 7 hours. I have tried using several NTP servers without success.
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