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Full Version: "KCS" v2.2.2 firmware BIN file download
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can you take a video of your problem send to whatsapp number: +86-15381188302 we will feedback to our software team.
(01-29-2024, 12:08 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]can you take a video of your problem send to whatsapp number: +86-15381188302  we will feedback to our software team.

If you ask me to do so, I've put a screen video in my last post as a zip file.
As I do NOT have Whatsapp and do not use any other solcial media tools I can't send that video the requested way.

(01-28-2024, 04:47 PM)thotha Wrote: [ -> ]As a proof that the device is getting NTP time code, see this video.
Also you will see, that if I change the time zone to UTC+8 which is the one you are living, even then it's wrong.
It also does proof that you have probably a code failure where UTC+0 is instead shwon as UTC+7.
now have seen MP4 video, our software engineer will check it.
we have tested with UTC+1 , it seems correct. when need have a option for "summer time" or "winter time" ?
(02-01-2024, 12:50 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]we have tested with UTC+1 , it seems correct. when need have a option for "summer time" or "winter time" ?

Well this is strange because all of my other devices
- EdgeMax Router/Switches
- Raspberry Pi's Model 3 as well as Model 4
- Several Apple Computers
all do use the very same NTP server and are in sync with the time,
except your device.

I have some points to mention:
- You did test with an other devices (KC868-ASR) versus the one in questeion (KC868-AG Pro)
- Despite you are using the same Firmware Version 2.2.2, your build date is much newer (2024-1-31) then the one we can download (2023-12-06) and has probably to do with the different used devices. Maybe also that this bug has been fixed between the release dates of the firmware.
- About your suggestion for daytime automation. In today's world, this must be part of the basic features of every device, which depends on current and accurate time.

we have re created V2.2.2 for KC868-AG firmware, you can test it. 
here is BIN file download
here is we tested with AG V2.2.2 firmware by UTC+1 time zone.
(02-01-2024, 02:48 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]we have re created V2.2.2 for KC868-AG firmware, you can test it. 
here is BIN file download

here is we tested with AG V2.2.2 firmware by UTC+1 time zone.

Thank you for this test firmware, but I'm not able to test it as every time I try to change WiFi/WLan to my local network, I get kicked out and have to enter the login again. There seams to be a bug in this test firmware.
See my screen video I've attached as zip file to this message.
hold on the "DOWNLOAD" button (GPIO0) >10 second , RESET for board. then test again. if also have problem, let your PC conenct to USB port, open serial debug tool (Baud rate: 115200bps), it will feedback LOG, post you LOG at here, we check.
(02-03-2024, 12:50 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]hold on the "DOWNLOAD" button (GPIO0) >10 second , RESET for board. then test again. if also have problem, let your PC conenct to USB port, open serial debug tool (Baud rate: 115200bps), it will feedback LOG, post you LOG at here, we check.

There is no such button. The only one is "CONFIG" written on the PCB or "Reset" on the buttom case.
The Network seams to work again. Was probably a problwm of Brave Webbrowser.

Attached I'll send you:
- log export form serial connection to your device - KCS-868-AG-Pro.txt
(As a side NOTE: Your device shows up as TWO serial devices. usbserial-110 and wchusbserial110!)
- log export for testing assess to and actual time - sntp time server test.txt
- picture where you can see actual UTC time, UTC time shown on your device, time shown in terminal - KCS-868-AG-Pro.png
- picture showing that is set in your device - KCS-868-AG-Pro-NTP.png

For me it seams that some where in your programming you do deduct 7hours form the time your divce is getting form
(02-03-2024, 08:20 PM)thotha Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-03-2024, 12:50 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]hold on the "DOWNLOAD" button (GPIO0) >10 second , RESET for board. then test again. if also have problem, let your PC conenct to USB port, open serial debug tool (Baud rate: 115200bps), it will feedback LOG, post you LOG at here, we check.

There is no such button. The only one is "CONFIG" written on the PCB or "Reset" on the buttom case.
The Network seams to work again. Was probably a problwm of Brave Webbrowser.

Attached I'll send you:
- log export form serial connection to your device - KCS-868-AG-Pro.txt
(As a side NOTE: Your device shows up as TWO serial devices. usbserial-110 and wchusbserial110!)
- log export for testing assess to and actual time - sntp time server test.txt
- picture where you can see actual UTC time, UTC time shown on your device, time shown in terminal - KCS-868-AG-Pro.png
- picture showing that is set in your device - KCS-868-AG-Pro-NTP.png

For me it seams that some where in your programming you do deduct 7hours form the time your divce is getting form

And here some pictures form the PCB of my unit in trouble.
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