Smart Home Automation Forum

Full Version: KC868-A16 esp32 board (A16)as upgrade of a Homevision Controller?
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Recently I discovered the various Kincony Home Automation solutions and was impressed. Review and consider now the usage potential for my situation. Therefor I pose some clarification questions in this Forum, geared to my home automation situation, ambitions and needs.

For more than 20 years, like many others with a DIY habbit, I have been using the proven reliable Homevision Controller (HV)(
( ) for home automation purposes (lights, switches, security-system, screens, sensors, etc.). In my home the HV-Inputs (16) are connected to sensors and motion detectors via CAT4 cable. The HV-communication with and HV-control of 220V-devices in the home is done via protocol X10 (this is outdated and being phased out) and via Tasmota-software (the MQTT-bridge/ broker is on an ES8266-12E NODEMCU, connected to the HV controller via RS232 link).
The 220V architecture at home is a common 3-phase distribution network, with local switches.

Since 2023 my HV-Controller also has an integration interface with Home Assistant (HASS), allowing the HV-connected devices to be also monitored and operated via HASS.
However, the primary/basic automation of the home is and remains via HV (the routines are configured by me in HVXL-software).
HV has the great advantage that it can function completely stand-alone (based on HVXL- software download). And, in the event of a mains voltage failure and restoration, HV is fully operational again within one second!
That includes her MQTT bridge and the restoring of the device states and functioning in the home, exactly as it was before the voltage outage.

1. Can A16 also function stand alone as the main home controller & as an MQTT-broker (Mosquito)? Based on which software of yours (KCS and or ESP-Home?)? Are the software programming facilities quite comparable to those of HV (like: if-then-else, timers, date, sunrise/sunset, flags, macros, etc.)?
2. Can the A16 communication accesses/ports (Ethernet, WIFI and RS485) be used independently and in parallel?
3. Is a quite simple integration with HASS possible? If so: which of your software is additionally required and configurable (howto)?
Can I also (or instead of) use the specific HASS integrations (like ESP-HOME and MQTT)for discovery and configurations?

4. Does a HASS integration not violate the stand alone functioning of the A16 instead of HV?
5. What main limitations/issues do I also have to take into account when transitioning from HV to A16?
6. What else do you think is important to pay attention to, regarding this transition?
1. A16 can work as a MQTT client. integrate to MQTT Mosquito broker. A16 own board can't work as a MQTT broker. you can use ESPHome integrate to home assistant. Or you can download KCS firmware, integrate to home assistant by MQTT. Just ESPHome is locally integration. KCS and ESPhome all have IFTTT, timer function. just other ESPHome have more logical function you can use. such as date, sunrise/sunset, flags.

a. Ethernet and Wifi can't work in parallel by ESPHome.
b. Ethernet and Wifi can work in parallel by KCS firmware.
c. RS485 in any firmware always can use.

3. it's very easy integreate home assistant by ESPHome. you have demo config yaml file, here is link for A16:

4-6. sorry, i don't understand HV deeply.
Thank you very much. Still a bit unsure about the best configuration in my case. My main wishes:

(1) Use the A16 as a stand-alone home-controller (1st priority). Is KCS than the preferred software solution or: something else better to use?

(2) Interface (1) with my Home Assistant for monitoring and control options (is a 2nd priority; this interface must not violate the stand-alone operation of the A16 as home automation controller). 
Which available options (MQTT and or ESPHome?) and: what extra software is needed per option?
Is there an important difference between these two options in automation functions/ capabilities?

Note: Home Assistant is already functioning in my home, residing on a Mini PC platform in a Virtual Machine (Oracle), connected by ethernet to a home network router (Netgear RAX 70), also including 2.4 and 5 GHz wireless.
if you already have home assistant Mini PC, it's very easy, just integreate A16 to home assistant by ESPHome, not need to use KCS firmware.
Thx. Do I understand correct that using ESPHome integration of my Home Assistant running on a Mini PC, the A16 board is running without KCS firmware? Do I have to download A16 ESPHome board software (link please) first and install it?
May I assume that the A16 also still functions stand alone (= independent actions from Home Assistant; no 100% slave role)?

You also advise your KCS firmware for the A16 board and I assume that it also functions 'stand alone' well.
KCS seem rather easy to configure. I like its IFTTT functions; that feature would be missing with ESPHome installed?
And: can KCS on board A16 only be linked to Home Assistant with/via the MQTT broker of Home Assistant?
1. if you use ESPHome make logical for A16, it also can work independent , even if your mini PC is bad, home assistant software is bad, it's also can work independently.
2. KCS and ESPHome firmware can't work at the same time. if you MUST want to use KCS, ok, you can download KCS firmware to A16, then use MQTT mode integrate A16 to home assistant.
Thx. For option 1 ( ESPHome), "make logical for A16" (see your remark).
Which software actions are consequently needed on a new A16 board (like an ESPHome software installation and then a configuration?) and in my existing Home Assistant instance (ESPHome Integration plus config-file change with ...)?
Is there a Kincony youtube video about this 'change package' as practical HOWTO knowledge?
just ues by esphome addon on home assistant, create a new device for A16.
how to use ESPHome video tour:
Thx again. Very impressive training information! Have to dig into it for an nformed start of my project.
you are welcome.
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