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Full Version: Something is wrong on product detail image of KC868-A8
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I'm racking my brain and for days I didn't understand where I was wrong. However, it seems to me that someone else made a mistake: is the numbering of the relays correct in this image?
I find it strange that near relay 1 there is the control LED for relay 8. And according to my tests, using ESPHome, relay 8 is where relay 01 is marked in the image. Just as relay 7 is in place of relay 2 .
Is there an error in the image?
yes, you can test, when TURN ON relay1 , which relay coin is CLOSED, which LED is ON. not to see the label on PCB.
(02-07-2024, 11:48 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]yes, you can test, when TURN ON relay1 , which relay coin is CLOSED, which LED is ON. not to see the label on PCB.

Sorry but I didn't understand the answer.
Is the image wrong?
If it is, where is it wrong?
now we are during new year holidays, you can config by ESPHome, see the actually work state, not see the label on PCB.
Yes, the image is WRONG.  I still see this image on AliExpress and other places.  The relay #'s are correct if looking at the PCB - just above the relay is a (very) small K1, K2, K3, etc.

I have created a new image with the correct relay positions.  Attached.

Kincony, PLEASE update your posts, docs.  The wrong info is still on your sites.  It caused us many hours of frustration, rewiring.

Thank you,
Canitan LLC

Thank you very much, updated webpage photo.