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Full Version: Set ON/OFF one channel of digital output
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I just got my boards and wanted to test the HTTP GET SET commands to read or set the IOs, but somehow I am not abel to do it. 
Hope somebody here can help me find the issue.

I got this documentation:
It explains clearly what commands to use. 
For example:
This should set the Output1 to HIGH, but I its not and I am getting the messege in the browser: {"code":-2,"status":"http not open"}

According to the documentation I need to set the "secret" in the board settings, but I cant find that field anywhere.
I am using version: v2.2.2

I can access the board over the IP, I can monitor IOs and I can set them manually to high or low... its only that my HTTP request command doesnt do it.

The other issue is, I cant seem to trigger digital input... atleast its never showing green in the monitor page. I tryed to apply 12V and 24V to it, but nothing is registered. Do digital inputs need to be activated somehow first?

I am using a 24V power supply to digital input ground and pin1.

Thanks in advanced!
I manage to find the setting for HTTP requests, its inside protocols, so thats working now.. AND I got digital inputs to work, but I am not sure what the idea is behind this.
In order for a digital input to get recognized, I need to pull it to ground. But that can only work if i use a relay on the other side, not?
If I have a system that gives me 24V as signals, how do I read that with digital inputs of the board?
digital input short with GND means triggered. if your board use by DC24v power supply. also INPUT short with GND is triggered, it's dry contact.
(02-15-2024, 01:07 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]digital input short with GND means triggered. if your board use by DC24v power supply. also INPUT short with GND is triggered, it's dry contact.

If I reverse the signal level in the settings, I basically get what I need.. as the trigger is OFF when I connect it to my power supply, but when I turn on 24V, it reads high as expected. Is it safe to run it that way?
The 24V on the input will not damage anything?
if you use DC24v for A16 board. digital input can work with GND or 24V. it according to your power supply voltage.
(02-16-2024, 11:21 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]if you use DC24v for A16 board. digital input can work with GND or 24V.  it according to your power supply voltage.

Great!! Thanks alot for the feedback!
you are welcome.