Dear team,
the KCS 2.2.2 is not working for me.
- DI are at random and not changing when making a connection with GND.
- DO can't be switched either.
- Note this is only with the KCS firmware, my own code works fine.
- Maybe it is to be noted that the I2C addresses do not match the standard for my board, as stated here:
Please advise.
KCS firmware only use for KinCony's ESP32 board, not for every other PCB.
Yes, I am using a KC868-A16 board.
can you try to test with this firmware, this i2c address changed.
Can try i a few days, will come back!
The outputs are working now with the modified version, but the inputs (all shown OFF) are not recognized.
With my code in contrast everything works (but I want to use KCS!):
//Set i2c INPUT address
PCF8574 pcf8574_input1(0x3B,4,5); //channel 1-8 old hardware rev: 0x22 hardware rev >1.5: 0x3A <---- IS DIFFERENT!!!
PCF8574 pcf8574_input2(0x39,4,5); //channel 9-16 old hardware rev: 0x21 hardware rev >1.5: 0x39
//Set i2c OUTPUT address
PCF8574 pcf8574_output1(0x3C,4,5); //channel 1-8 old hardware rev: 0x24 hardware rev >1.5: 0x3C
PCF8574 pcf8574_output2(0x3D,4,5); //channel 9-16 old hardware rev: 0x25 hardware rev >1.5: 0x3D
PCF8574 pcf8574_input1(0x3B,4,5); //channel 1-8 old hardware rev: 0x22 hardware rev >1.5: 0x3A
PCF8574 pcf8574_input2(0x39,4,5); //channel 9-16 old hardware rev: 0x21 hardware rev >1.5: 0x39
PCF8574 pcf8574_output1(0x3C,4,5); //channel 1-8 old hardware rev: 0x24 hardware rev >1.5: 0x3C
PCF8574 pcf8574_output2(0x3D,4,5); //channel 9-16 old hardware rev: 0x25 hardware rev >1.5: 0x3D
address 0x3A and 0x39 for INPUT ports can work well , right?
(03-30-2024, 02:19 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]PCF8574 pcf8574_input1(0x3B,4,5); //channel 1-8 old hardware rev: 0x22 hardware rev >1.5: 0x3A
PCF8574 pcf8574_input2(0x39,4,5); //channel 9-16 old hardware rev: 0x21 hardware rev >1.5: 0x39
PCF8574 pcf8574_output1(0x3C,4,5); //channel 1-8 old hardware rev: 0x24 hardware rev >1.5: 0x3C
PCF8574 pcf8574_output2(0x3D,4,5); //channel 9-16 old hardware rev: 0x25 hardware rev >1.5: 0x3D
address 0x3A and 0x39 for INPUT ports can work well , right?
No, as mentioned earlier... the inputs on my unit have the addresses 3
B (not 3A) and 39. In another post you told me this was normal.
list all your correct i2c address of OUTPUT and INPUT:
PCF8574 pcf8574_input1(xxxx,4,5); //channel 1-8 old hardware rev: 0x22 hardware rev >1.5:
PCF8574 pcf8574_input2(xxxx,4,5); //channel 9-16 old hardware rev: 0x21 hardware rev >1.5:
PCF8574 pcf8574_output1(xxxx,4,5); //channel 1-8 old hardware rev: 0x24 hardware rev >1.5:
PCF8574 pcf8574_output2(xxxx,4,5); //channel 9-16 old hardware rev: 0x25 hardware rev >1.5: