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Full Version: how-to config ymal for work rs485
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Hello I have the following components: KC868-Server,KC868-COLB, KC868-H32B Pro in my installation 
i need to use modbus 485 with other controllers I need help or guide how-to config ymal for work rs485 and some examples how to control controllers using rs485
here have some video about integrate modbus device sample:
Hello admin 
If I need to configure the esp component that is on the KC868-server, what is the simple way to do this to connect a usb cable between the raspberry module and the type c connection of the esp?
just connect USB-C cable to KC868-Server's USB-A port.
Hi admin 
In KC868-Server what is the TX and RX pin of esp32
what is the number that i need to put in this:

and i neet to put only number or like  the example I put with the GPIO or just a number
do you want to use RS485? RS485 connect with CM4 module directly, not by ESP32.
- name: hub1
type: serial
baudrate: 9600
bytesize: 8
method: rtu
parity: N
port: /dev/ttyS0
stopbits: 1
Hi admin 
can I get a more detailed explanation of where I connect in cm4 
and how I config it in the home assistants
if you want add RS485 device, you need know the device's protocol firstly, if use by modbus, then use esphome modbus component for that.
i already post two video tour link. more details you can check with ESPHome modbus component:
Hi admin 
It is modbus , 
According to a test I did, I need Modbus, so according to what you say, I need to use esp32. Do I need to connect the TX and RX on the server to the GPIO connections (according to the red arrow in the picture), if so, which of the 4 GPIOs do I connect to and what do I need to put in the yaml file
 tx_pin: GPIO13
 rx_pin: GPIO16
or I need to connect to A, B (according to the yellow arrow in the picture)
GPIO1,GPIO2,GPIO3,GPIO4 just GPIO with ESP32, it's not RS485 interface. if your device is RS485, you should connect with "ORANGE" terminal RS485 port.
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