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Full Version: A16 Configure RC 16 CH buttons Home Assist
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I want to activate the 16-channel remote control and it is necessary to configure the buttons on the remote control as well as the settings for RF. 
The controller is linked to HOME Assistant.
I defined the RF channels in the YAML file, but I can't find where I can map the buttons of the remote.
I also don't find that the HOME ASSISTANT recognizes the remote.
Thanks for the help.
two way to use RF remote:
1: config by ESPHome, how to config , you can see here:
also here is KC868-A8S RF remote yaml demo, you can change the RF receiver pin define for KC868-A16S:

2: download KinCony KCS firmware, directly to learn RF signal, make IFTTT work with relay output. Integrate to home assistant by MQTT.