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Full Version: DS18B20 issues with KC868-Server
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Hi, I'm having issues with multiple DS18b20 sensors connected to KC868-Server. I only receive temperature from one sensor and have two connected.

The sensor that is working is connected to GPIO4 and the one that is not working is connected to GPIO1 (yellow cable)

This is my config: 

  - platform: gpio
    id: pin4
    pin: 4
  - platform: gpio
    id: pin1
    pin: 1

  - platform: dallas_temp
    one_wire_id: pin4
    address: 0x880b232213a28e28
    name: "Board Temperature"

I'm expecting to see the ID of the sensor connected to GPIO1 , instead I'm getting FOUND NO DEVICES ( already tried different GPIO port, same result)
take a photo , how you wire, you can also use multi ds18b20 with one GPIO, it's easier.
(08-17-2024, 01:44 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]take a photo , how you wire, you can also use multi ds18b20 with one GPIO, it's easier.

If wire two Yellow to same GPIO how to differentiate in the code (home assistant)?
every DS18B20 have different address. it will auto scanned in LOG. you just connect together, see the ESPHome LOG will found all DS18B20.
(08-17-2024, 02:22 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]every DS18B20 have different address. it will auto scanned in LOG. you just connect together, see the ESPHome LOG will found all DS18B20.

Ok. Will try it but want to know why other GPIOs are not working… what could be the issue? Bad sensor?
i have said: take a photo how you wire.
(08-17-2024, 05:27 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]i have said: take a photo how you wire.
these 4 pins are:
do you have define correctly?

these are actually GPIO number for ESP32 module.
(08-18-2024, 12:09 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]these 4 pins are:
do you have define correctly?

these are actually GPIO number for ESP32 module.

You are right sir. I was using GPIO1, 2, 3 and 4. That's why only 4 worked.

Thanks for your help
ok, good.