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Full Version: A16 crashing when using string driver
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Hi there,

I am writing a TCP string driver for our AV system and I have the board going, and the inputs/outputs work, I am getting feedback.

However, if i send commands quickly it seems to be able to easily overwhelm the board and it crashes - it will reset and work again after a short while. 
I'd understand if it was a lot of packets, but I'm literally sending 1 a second and that's enough to crash the board - it should be able to handle this faster than I can click without issues?

I am only sending one string at a time, either all on, all off, or a multi-on which does a bitwise operation on the AV side and sends the correct string.

Can you advise why this is?

what KCS firmware verison you are using?
what command list you have sent?
if you can take a video, we can test as your steps.
Sorry, I missed this reply.

I have fixed the issue by doing ordered commands on the tcp driver. I would imagine the same would work with the string driver (ie waiting for the code to return its feedback before processing new code).

Thanks for the very fast reply!
ok, good.