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I have a  KC868-A16 would it be possible to control a standard computer fan 12v that has PWM ? i know there are some GPIO ports, im assuming i have to configure one of these as PWM, how do i find out which ones they represent on the actual board? The next question is how do i monitor the RPM form the fan and where do i connect and configure it ?
[Image: rRuk1Q4.png]
[Image: sh-07-sensors.jpg]
gpio32,gpio33,gpio14 support PWM output, but i have not tested, you can try to use it.
(09-19-2024, 11:16 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]gpio32,gpio33,gpio14 support PWM output, but i have not tested, you can try to use it.

do you have a schematic for which outputs those are on the pcb?
[Image: sh-07-sensors.jpg]
See this YELLOW region.
(09-20-2024, 11:50 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ][Image: sh-07-sensors.jpg]
See this YELLOW region.

Sorry if my message wasnt clear, how do i know which gpio32,gpio33,gpio14 connectors are? 

So i was looking for something like HT1 is gpio14, HT2 is gpio32 and HT3 is gpio33 ? pio33,gpio14
here is schematic of KC868-A16:
I kind of got it to work, so i can turn on the fan using this config:
[Image: nBNpOCv.png]

But the issue is the fan will only turn on at 100% speed at around halfway of the slider, and i can not control the speed, is there something else i need to do? As currently i can only have it at 0% or 100% speed. Ive tried PWM 1 to 5 only 1 seems to work.

Also in regards to the RPM counter, i dont think the counter is working as its an increasing counter, so i might have to use something else ? I tried counter 2 to 5 same issue. Is there a way to have a RPM counter?
[Image: pK0RcAO.png]
Sorry, i am not used PWM in Tasmota. i suggest you post your questions to Tasmota forum.
What if i used stock firmware will that work ? or ESPhome?
KCS not support PWM output. you can try to use by ESPHome.
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