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Full Version: KBOX-Pad for Windows PC or Windows Tablet 10 inch
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(10-08-2021, 01:22 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, KBOX-pad application have fixed by "V" unit. because it display the voltage of the analog input port. what do you want to change?

I have set the "analog variation" (in parameters) to 0.01 
"Temperature variation" also set at 0.01
Col_Connect OK!
Digital inputs work correctly. (on KBox-Pad)
Controller outputs work correctly (on KBox-Pad)
However, I cannot get any reading for analog inputs or temperature inputs (18B20) - all show 0 value.
What am I missing?
check ds18b20 temperature wire whether good contact and try to change the temperature value, it will update.
I changed temperature values on DS18B20 and RTD temperature elements but still on display on KBOX-Pad.  Values show fine on Kincony_SCB display

Sorry "still NO display"...
we will check later.
I downloaded latest firmware V1.9 (was on using V1.8) for ColB and this took care of problem.
Thank you.
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