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Full Version: "KCS" v3 firmware UDP STRING protocol document for Loxone Miniserver
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support by > KCS v3.4.0 using KinCony B16M, F16, F24, A32 Pro smart controller.

1: control digital output (DO)
Loxone send to KCS: RELAY-SET-255,2,1  //turn ON DO2
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-SET-255,2,1,OK
Loxone send to KCS: RELAY-SET-255,2,0  //turn OFF DO2
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-SET-255,2,0,OK

2: digital output (DO) state feedback
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-SET-255,3,1,OK //DO3 is ON
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-SET-255,3,0,OK //DO3 is OFF

3: digital input (DI) state feedback
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-GET_INPUT-255,4,1,OK  //DI4 is ON
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-GET_INPUT-255,4,0,OK  //DI4 is OFF

4: control analog output (AO)
Loxone send to KCS: RELAY-SET_DAC_255,2,0  //channel 2 AO=0  0%
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-SET_DAC_255,2,0,OK
Loxone send to KCS: RELAY-SET_DAC_255,3,255  //channel 3 AO=255 100%
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-SET_DAC_255,3,255,OK

5: analog output (AO) state feedback
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-GET_DAC_255,1,107,OK  //channel 1 AO=107
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-GET_DAC_255,2,255,OK  //channel 2 AO=255

6: analog input (AI) state feedback
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-GET_ADC-255,1,2670,OK  //channel1 ADC is 2670

7: RF433M receiver state feedback
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-GET_RF-255,2,1,OK  //channel2 RF sensor is ON
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-GET_RF-255,3,0,OK  //channel3 RF sensor is OFF

8: temperature & humidity sensor feedback
KCS back to Loxone:RELAY-GET_SENSOR-255,3,16.8,46.8,OK //channel3 sensor temperature=16.8℃ humidity=46.8%
KCS back to Loxone:RELAY-GET_SENSOR-255,4,27.8,-100,OK //channel4 sensor temperature=27.8℃ without humidity

download Loxone config demo project file and integration guide from:
Dear Producer,
is it any chance to get in a new firmware version 3.4.0 into to kincony board KC868-A6? I would like to use it with loxone and UDP commands if possible.
we will release new A6v3 board after China New Year holidays. that made by ESP32-S3 will support KCS v3. old A6 PCB not enough memory.