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Full Version: AK KCS firmware - IFTTT multiple custom protocols to one input
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Hi. I am on the latest KCS firmware on the AK. In the IFTTT menu I am trying to correspond an input to turn on several relays. 
For instance, input 33 to turn on relays 17,18,20,21,23,25,26,28,29,7,4 without changing the status of the other relays.

I tried to add several rules in the IFTTT but it seems that it 
1) only can use 6 (not a problem, I can have several commands), and 
2) if I put multiple rules in the IFTTT window for input 33 it only executes the first one. in the attached picture it only executes rule "Custom Protocol 20"

PS: it seems that if I put a delay of 1 second between one protocol and the next one it executes all of them. 

any solution for that ?

Also, can I get the link for the html protocol and serial protocol for the latest version of KCS?
Do you want use one board's DI control another board's DO? if YES, add delay time about 500ms or 1s between every action.
(12-28-2024, 11:54 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]Do you want use one board's DI control another board's DO?  if YES, add delay time about 500ms or 1s between every action.

No, I would like a DI on the AK to control several relays on the board of the H32 PRO where it is connected.
add delay time about 500ms or 1s between every action.
(12-29-2024, 06:42 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]add delay time about 500ms or 1s between every action.

the form allows only integers (1 for 1 second). 

the limitation is the max number of calls to custom protocols (max 6 items).

is there a way of sending an HTTP Get command that in a single command sets multiple relay?
the problem that I would like you to help me to solve is the following

on my 32pro connected to the AK

when I flip a switch I want all the relays of D1 to be set /unset without changing the others. how can I do that?
i think we can update for HTTP command in future , add multi relay control by one command is better. so that not need customize protocol, not send out one HTTP command to control different relays at the same time.
this is a good idea. one http command with change of status of multiple relays.

Also, for future version, it would be good to dump the configuration of the KCS IFTTT and generic protocol setups at least (if not possible already).

do you think that with the COLB I can program the automation that I need? I have a COLB ...
sure, COLB support send customize protocol by HTTP or RS232.