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Full Version: screens automation with B16M and KCS
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I testing a B16M controller for my home automation, running KCS v3.4.0 firmware
The screens in my house today work like this:
1 up button, 1 down button per screen with interlock.
Short press = Run for 10 seconds (up or down)
Long press = jogging (up or down)
Can this be implemented with KCS V3 firmware?
you can set any digital output for INTERLOCK group. such as output1 and output2 work with INTERLOCK, output3 and output4 work with INTERLOCK.
[Image: output-webpage.png]
I was aware of the interlock, that is not my problem.
Today my current system works like this: it combines 2 functions with one physical button.
Eg. 1 button for closing a sunscreen:
* Press long for jogging mode (manual closing and stopping the screen were I want) 
* Press short for automatic and complete closing of the screen. It activates the "closing" relay for 10 seconds.

Can this be configured in KCS v3?
I don't see how since the delay function is implemented on the output, not on the IFTTT
[Image: if-DI.png]
these two functions you can test with "true","False", "Hold On" option. i feel the logical will have conflict,but you can test.
about the delay time with IFTTT, THEN actions can insert the "delay" time. Do you see the "CLOCK" ico in THEN section, it's delay time action.
(12-29-2024, 10:24 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]Hi
Turning on the relay for 10 seconds an then turn it off again works by making use of the clock symbol. 
Thanks for that tip!

Combing the "single click" and "hold on" on the same input for different functions does not work.
Instead of doing this:
* "Hold on" for jogging mode (manual closing and stopping the screen were I want)
* "Single Click"  for automatic and complete closing of the screen. It activates the "closing" relay for 10 seconds.
I now do this:
* "Hold on" for jogging mode (manual closing and stopping the screen were I want)
* "Double click" for automatic and complete closing of the screen. It activates the "closing" relay for 10 seconds.

I works but the double click triggers a "double" start: the relay activates, stops for some milliseconds and than activates again for the 10 seconds.
It works but is not ideal for the motors of the screens. 
Can you think of a better solution?
can you take a video send to whatsapp number: +86-15381188302
i how can i use the rs485 from the browser to use a a th RS484 SENSOR
(02-09-2025, 05:56 PM)beon intelligent Wrote: [ -> ]i how can i use the rs485 from the browser to use a a th RS484 SENSOR

support use KinCony TS RS485 temperature and humidity sensor with B16M by RS485.