esphome: name: kc868-uair platform: ESP32 board: esp32dev # Enable logging logger: # Enable Home Assistant API api: ota: password: "978e66f878ed5041b830cfb427393c79" wifi: ssid: "KinCony" # your wifi router ssid password: "12345678" # your wifi password # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "Kc868-Uair Fallback Hotspot" password: "FbTxCLlbDvbO" captive_portal: # follow configure use for DS18B20 temperature sensor, SHT30 temperature and humidity sensor. WS2812B RGB LEDs. i2c: sda: 4 scl: 16 scan: true id: bus_a # Example configuration entry dallas: - pin: GPIO27 update_interval: 15s # Individual sensors sensor: - platform: dallas address: 0xC000000004D81528 # your DS18B20 address name: "internal Temperature" # Example configuration entry - platform: sht3xd temperature: name: "extend Temperature" humidity: name: "extend Humidity" address: 0x44 update_interval: 15s light: - platform: fastled_clockless chipset: WS2812B pin: GPIO32 # Pin Define connected with LED strip num_leds: 4 #LEDs number rgb_order: GRB name: "Uair-Bottom-LED" effects: - addressable_rainbow: ##defined 7 effects styles - addressable_color_wipe: - addressable_scan: - addressable_twinkle: - addressable_random_twinkle: - addressable_fireworks: - addressable_flicker: - platform: fastled_clockless chipset: WS2812B pin: GPIO33 # Pin Define connected with LED strip num_leds: 1 #LEDs number rgb_order: RGB name: "Uair-Vertical-LED" effects: - addressable_rainbow: ##defined 7 effects styles - addressable_color_wipe: - addressable_scan: - addressable_twinkle: - addressable_random_twinkle: - addressable_fireworks: - addressable_flicker: