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DS1820 temperature sensor on KC868-A16 - Printable Version

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RE: DS1820 temperature sensor on KC868-A16 - marius - 11-23-2022

(11-23-2022, 01:03 PM)admin Wrote: here is KC868-A16 firmware, it can work with DS18B20 temperature sensor.

you can use three GPIOs for DS18B20:
DS18B20/DHT11/DHT21/LED strip -1: 32
DS18B20/DHT11/DHT21/LED strip -2: 33
DS18B20/DHT11/DHT21/LED strip -2: 14

the demo photo I have used GPIO32, actually you can use any of GPIO32, GPIO33, GPIO14

(11-23-2022, 01:34 PM)admin Wrote: if you want to enable Ethernet for KC868-A16, just click "Configure Other" -- paste "Template" as follows:

{"NAME":"KC868-A16","GPIO":[32,0,1120,0,640,608,0,0,0,1,1,1152,0,0,5600,0,0,0,0,5568,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,1],"FLAG":0,"BASE":1,"CMND":"EthClockMode 3 | EthAddress 0 | EthType 0 | I2CDriver2 1"}

check "Activate" , then press "Save". after restart, ethernet cable can be used.

Hi, thank U temperature sensor is working now but PCF8574 digital inputs are not showing up anymore

RE: DS1820 temperature sensor on KC868-A16 - admin - 11-23-2022

you need to set "SDA" and "SCL" pin firstly. the follow is KC8698-A6, you just set SDA:GPIO4  SCL: GPIO5 for KC868-A16, then config PCF8574 for "INPUT" and "OUTPUT", will be ok.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1606]    [Image: attachment.php?aid=1607]    [Image: attachment.php?aid=1608]    [Image: attachment.php?aid=1609]    [Image: attachment.php?aid=1610]    [Image: attachment.php?aid=1611]

RE: DS1820 temperature sensor on KC868-A16 - marius - 11-24-2022

Thank U for quick replay but taht didn't helped. Inputs are still absent.

It all looks like this:

RE: DS1820 temperature sensor on KC868-A16 - admin - 11-24-2022

try to download this firmware, see whether have "input" panel.

.zip (Size: 1,001.39 KB / Downloads: 237)

RE: DS1820 temperature sensor on KC868-A16 - marius - 11-28-2022

thank U it all works now.
Just FYI for some reason onboard temperature sensor is not showing temperature anymore (not a big deal).

Also input status is not showing up in Home Assistant through mqtt Tasmota integration. Output status and control works just fine, but no status for inputs. My guess U need to enter some command in Tasmota to activate that but not sure which one.

RE: DS1820 temperature sensor on KC868-A16 - admin - 11-28-2022

if you use for home assistant, we highly recommended ues by ESPHome, that's very easy and stable. not need to use tasmota. INPUT, OUTPUT, DS18B20 all support directly.

RE: DS1820 temperature sensor on KC868-A16 - marius - 02-02-2023

How about new KCS firmware support for DS18B20 or similar digital sensors, is it supported?

RE: DS1820 temperature sensor on KC868-A16 - admin - 02-03-2023

now it's not support, but in furture will try to add it.

RE: DS1820 temperature sensor on KC868-A16 - HA_user - 08-11-2024

(11-28-2022, 10:49 AM)admin Wrote: if you use for home assistant, we highly recommended ues by ESPHome, that's very easy and stable. not need to use tasmota. INPUT, OUTPUT, DS18B20 all support directly.

I'm trying to read data from a 1wire DS1820 thermometer, but I can't seem to get a working configuration to communicate with HA using ESPHome. Can I ask for a working example? I connected the thermometer to GPIO1 with the configuration:
- platform: dht
pin: 14
name: "Living Room Temperature"
update_interval: 60s

RE: DS1820 temperature sensor on KC868-A16 - admin - 08-11-2024

see here: