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KC868-A8 - question regarding safety shutdown
Hi !

I think about buying the KC868-A8 module for controlling my heating system by external signals.

The KC868-A8 board shall be connected via ethernet to my home assistant device which will control the board (switching relais to control the temperature, set heating or cooling mode and so on).

This is clear so far and I think this can be done relatively easily.

What is not clear for me at the moment:

How does the KC868-A8 board react ....

... if home assistant freezes or the ethernet connection is gone ?

...  if there is a power loss and power comes back ?

Does it go always to the state "all relays" off -> which would mean a safe state in my case ?

Is there a way to supervise the board or turn off all relais in case of any failure coming from home assistant ?

Is there a way to control the proper functioning of the board itself respectively the relais ?

With the 8 relais I only want to switch "signals" no "load" -> Are this relais suitable for this purpose ?

For how many switching cycles are the relais designed ?

Thank you for your feedback.

Greets Karl

Messages In This Thread
KC868-A8 - question regarding safety shutdown - by Karle - 08-21-2023, 05:38 PM

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