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Is any way to link elecyric gate motor and wireless security alarm to use kincony app
Is KC868-G can be located outdoor?
it's up to you, just have wifi for him. It's not waterproof.
Please specify the distance less than 10 m and include or exclude any wall/ concrete barrier?
Is it water proof to install outdoor?
KC868-G not waterproof. but you can install to a waterproof box.
wireless signal can go through wall/ concrete barrier.
How i can learn the gate remote control to the Kc868-G?
How i can learn a certain RF button in the KC mobile app and learn it to my gate remote control to send the order from mobile app to G and G send it to gate opener and closer panel?
Pls point me to the video explaining this?
Thank you

Other queston ,how many kC86i-G i want to install for 3 floors , G- Floor L shap open room 120 m2
1ST floor one open room on the main stair to G- floor and othe 3 rooms isolated each with floor.
The 2nd floor has 2 rooms with separate door for each
Does each floor 120 m2 will use 1 KC868-G for each floor or i need one for each closed room ?
1. before already told you, let KC868-G send RF signal, your gate board learn the signal from KC868-G, how to learn, see your gate remote system's guide, i don't know.

2. I think you need multi KC868-G to send RF signal, how many pcs do you need, it's up to your test. wireless products can't easy to see how long distance can be used, you need test your first KC868-G whether can covered RF signal for your receiver devices.
Dear customer support
Please find attached the page related how to learn the 433MHZ remote control for my gate motor.
The gate motor and 2 remote controls for me and my wife are programmed.
I need to control the gate using 4G outside my house network.
Please confirm that my gate motor board will accept the K868-AG code and learned.

Dear customer support
Please find attached the page related how to learn the 433MHZ remote control for my gate motor.
The gate motor and 2 remote controls for me and my wife are programmed.
I need to control the gate using 4G outside my house network using Kincony smart home system.
Please see the attached gate motor manual i think page 10 discussing how to learn to 2 button key fob that i had.
.pdf   207-SM-Control-panel-for-swing-gates-12VDC-and-24VDC.pdf (Size: 2.08 MB / Downloads: 1,150)
Please confirm that my gate motor board will accept the K868-AG code and learned.

Attached Files Image(s)
take a photo of this wireless code chip, need to see the IC model.
(11-19-2021, 04:34 AM)ahmed Wrote: Is KC868-G can be located outdoor?
Better no, not that level of protection

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