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Lesson9 - integrate KC868-Server to home assistant by MQTT
Failed to restart Home Assistant

The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Invalid config for [mqtt]: [name:] is an invalid option for [mqtt]. Check: mqtt->mqtt->switch->2->name:. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 17).

Attached Files
.txt   switch.txt (Size: 7.66 KB / Downloads: 220)
You can see here , now format for MQTT home assistant:
note: maybe you have some "space" in string. just a format problem.
can you check attach where the error

thank you

Attached Files
.txt   mqtt.txt (Size: 8 KB / Downloads: 228)
when using home assistant 2022.12.x version, mqtt syntax is updated.

delete these lines in your yaml file:

port: 1883
username: atawiali
password: P@ssw0rd
still not working

The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Invalid config for [mqtt]: [name:] is an invalid option for [mqtt]. Check: mqtt->mqtt->switch->2->name:. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 22).

see attach

Attached Files Image(s)
here is my config file for KC868-Server work with home assistant 2022.12.5

.txt   KC868-Server-home-assistant-MQTT_config_202212.txt (Size: 9.26 KB / Downloads: 301)
thank you  for your reply 

the swatch not response 

see attach

Attached Files Image(s)

.txt   mqtt.txt (Size: 9.26 KB / Downloads: 198)
1. check your mosquitto MQTT broker whether work well.
2. check your KC868-Server's ethernet setting, whether filled the correct MQTT IP,Port,Username,Password
I propably have a problem to configure mqtt broker.

my yaml configuration file, corrected version, adapted to update home assistant

.txt   konfiguracja mqtt serwer nowsza 19.01.2023.txt (Size: 9.26 KB / Downloads: 246)

my password and username on configuration mqtt broker    

my configuration on ethernet kincony server setings before save

my configuration on ethernet kincony server setings after save new long password, mayby too long pasword is a problem ?

Allways status is unknowned, when i make entities switch i try to change status on / off in HA, it return to status on 2 sec later, in KC server nothing happens, the red leds on the pcb do not light up

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