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TWAI (CANBUS) interface on KC868 board
Are there any plans to add TWAI (CANBUS) controler e.g.with SN65HVD23x instead of RS-232/RS-485? 

With CANBUS it's easy to daisy-chain any number of boards whereas RS-232/RS-485 are tricky to add more than just 1 additional board. 
I would preffer setup with several smaller boards - e.g. 4-6 relays/inputs and ability to add more when needed rather than aiming for maximum planned IOs.

Please add comments if anyone else would be ineterested in it.
yes, multi devices work on the bus at the same time, CANBUS is better.
if you want let current relay controller support CANBUS, i think you can use RS232 or RS485 convert CANBUS adapter.

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