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KC868-H32B Pro firmware upload network tool
You can use this network tool update KC868-H32B Pro controller by ethernet cable.

.zip (Size: 9.07 KB / Downloads: 408)
[attachment=1859 Wrote:admin pid='5322' dateline='1672280968']You can use this network tool update KC868-H32B Pro controller by ethernet cable.

I tried to use the network tool update with my KC868-H32B Pro and I couldn't get it to work. The target IP can't be changed, so I tried using a static IP with my H32B Pro set to the target IP of and then I connected an ethernet cable from the H32B Pro to a small ethernet switch and connected my MacBook Pro M1 to it as well via CAT5. I set my MacBook Pro's IP Address to and I was able to pull up the device's web interface using When I tried the tool under Windows 11 using Parallels, I was able to "Try to ping device" successfully. When I clicked "Connect", I got what I assume was an error message in Chinese that I couldn't understand:


It would be great if we could just "Upload New Firmware" directly on the web interface instead...

What does the error message mean?

the target IP is your H32B Pro power start ip, it will be always, you not need to change your board IP. just when power on during some seconds, the board IP will auto to
1. fill the local IP is your computer's IP
2. power on of you H32B Pro
3. after powre on, the LED on board will be fast blink, MUST during blink time, click "Connect" button.
4. chose firmware BIN file to Download.
here is video tour:

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