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O.K Let me Explain

i am using an A8s, running KCS 1.0.15

now the digital inputs and relays are instant changes in the monitor page and into homeassistant via mqtt, the 2 analogue inputs i am using the +3.3V output on the board to a dry contact into Analogue 1 and 2, I'm using this in HA so i can get two extra inputs.

now when i activate the relay within 2 seconds i get a value in the web page monitor page of about 2453. however this value only comes to homeassistant via Mqtt after a digital input or an output activates, or if i reboot the A8S, i can confrim there is nothing in HA that is slowing down as i am listening to the mqqt. here is an example i have had 2543 as a value for the last 5 minutes, but as you can see adc1 is showing 0


in the settings of the analogue input there are three options
Custom value1 ( value when adc/dac is 0 ):
Custom value2 ( value when adc/dac is max range ):

the above two all i find adds decimal points to the value and nothing else

Threshold ( Send mqtt when the change of sampling value is greater than it ):
this one above i think is the issue, and i have tried any values like 1 10. 100 1000 and this does not help with the issue.

any help would be greatly apprecated

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RE: "KCS" ADC SENSOR SET UP IN HOME ASSISTANT - by xrsprint - 02-17-2023, 10:02 AM

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