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KC868 AK
I downloaded on my KC868-AK V2.0.5 but it doesn't work well. can i get the old version (V 1.0.6) it works so well with my KC868-H32B and is much easier to config
if you use KCS v2, need to config IFTTT command.
here is old firmware download: 
.zip (Size: 453.15 KB / Downloads: 184)
Do YOU have please a KC868 AK mqtt integration ? i wish to control and set the KC868 AK to control any entity in HA with this component, how can i set these parameters for single click, double click and press and hold function ?
 i have installed the KCS V2 firmware on the KC868 AK module
after you downloaded KCS v2 firmware, you can create IFTTT command , set DI for 1-click, 2-click , hold on mode.....
when DI trigger or not trigger will feedback mqtt message, but can't know 1-click, 2-click by mqtt message.
here is mqtt protocol document:

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