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All sensors are ON

.txt   A16-config.yml.txt (Size: 4.37 KB / Downloads: 198)
.txt   A16-config.yml.txt (Size: 4.37 KB / Downloads: 198)
I flashed A16 with ESPHome and all sensors are ON, they don't change state when I change the input.
Below is the config
check your esphome log output, what i2c device address scaned. maybe need change i2c address.
new is :

Relay_IIC_address 0x3C
Relay_IIC_address 0x3D

Input_IIC_address 0x39
Input_IIC_address 0x3A

here is details:
This is the log. Will try new address

[19:30:55][C][logger:302]: Level: DEBUG
[19:30:55][C][logger:303]: Log Baud Rate: 115200
[19:30:55][C][logger:305]: Hardware UART: UART0
[19:30:55][C][i2c.arduino:053]: I2C Bus:
[19:30:55][C][i2c.arduino:054]: SDA Pin: GPIO4
[19:30:55][C][i2c.arduino:055]: SCL Pin: GPIO5
[19:30:55][C][i2c.arduino:056]: Frequency: 50000 Hz
[19:30:55][C][i2c.arduino:059]: Recovery: bus successfully recovered
[19:30:55][I][i2c.arduino:069]: Results from i2c bus scan:
[19:30:55][I][i2c.arduino:075]: Found i2c device at address 0x21
[19:30:55][I][i2c.arduino:075]: Found i2c device at address 0x22
[19:30:55][I][i2c.arduino:075]: Found i2c device at address 0x24
[19:30:55][I][i2c.arduino:075]: Found i2c device at address 0x25
[19:30:55][C][pcf8574:021]: PCF8574:
[19:30:55][C][pcf8574:022]: Address: 0x24
[19:30:55][C][pcf8574:023]: Is PCF8575: NO
[19:30:55][C][pcf8574:021]: PCF8574:
[19:30:55][C][pcf8574:022]: Address: 0x25
[19:30:55][C][pcf8574:023]: Is PCF8575: NO
[19:30:55][C][pcf8574:021]: PCF8574:
[19:30:55][C][pcf8574:022]: Address: 0x21
[19:30:55][C][pcf8574:023]: Is PCF8575: NO
[19:30:55][C][pcf8574:021]: PCF8574:
[19:30:55][C][pcf8574:022]: Address: 0x22
[19:30:55][C][pcf8574:023]: Is PCF8575: NO
if you short digital input port with GND, whether INPUT state will changed in home assistant.
i want to know whether trigger is correctly, only state is exchanged.
After playing sometime, I didn't get it to work correctly. I decided to install MQTT server on home assistant and configure Kincony KCS v2 firmware with MQTT. Now it is working fine. I think using MQTT is better because I can use KCS and home assistant at the same time. KCS doesn't depend on network, so in case the network switch goes down, I can still control my home with physical switches.
yes, it's right.KCS work in locally.
The TCP mode and KBOX app work unreliably. After turning on a few outputs, the KBOX doesn't response to turn on/off switch anymore.
The MQTT via home assistant can still control the A16, so I believe it was the TCP mode is blocked somehow.
After unplug the device, the TCP and KBOX work again. What is the reason?
we not suggest to use KBOX mobile phone app for KC868-A series board. that mainly use for KC868-H series controller.
what software you want to use? home assistant or tuya app?

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