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ESP32 chipset not working for rf module and led strip light from esphome
RF module and led strip light gpios dont seem to be able to work together in this kc868 board. I tried for both seperately within esphome, once only using the RF and the next time only using the led code. No issues were seen until I tried to use them together. when i flash the esp32 with the code containing parts for both of these, flash shows to be successful but it doesn't come online in esphome. this is my yaml code i have been using in esphome.
.txt   yaml code esphome.txt (Size: 3.3 KB / Downloads: 130)
which board you are using? take a photo.
I am using KC868 server with cm4 and home assistant installed on it
next week , when have free time, we will test it.
Ok please reply after the test regarding the issue
Hello, have you guys tested regarding the issue? How can I use both RF module as well as the led gpios in the esp32 of this kc868 server simultaneously using esphome in homeassistant?

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