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 I am new on this forum, i wish to ask if somebody tried to make an working MQTT configuration file for KC868-AP dimmer and for RGB or RGBW led strip ? I tried to rewrite the KC868-D16 mqtt config but whitout success. Thank You in advace for help
With esphome is working well but i wish to control it with MQTT in home assistant
next week when have free time, will test it.
Thank You
sorry, these days very busy. i have config KC868-AP channel 1 by MQTT, but not enough time to change the number of precent, you can modify it. now the code already can work in home assistant.
config file download:

.txt   AP-mqtt-ymal-sample.txt (Size: 679 bytes / Downloads: 97)
Thank You very much, is working well, have you maybe a method for control rgb or rgbw light on separate or combined dac channel
In esphome is possible to control an rgb entity, is possible to combine tree or four channels as rgb or rgbw entity to control it in mqtt ?
i suggest you use WS2812B RGBW led strip, it's easy for esp32. just config by ESPHome. i have not test rgbw with mqtt via DAC, it will be complex.

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