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DOA KC868-A16
I just received my first product i bought from KinCony and its not going too well, it seems the device is DOA or im missing something?

  1. I can see in wireshark it has the IP (but does not have a web server running which is what i should expect?)
  2. Wiresharks says Bogus IPv4 Version?  Frame 393424: 60 bytes on wire (480 bits), 60 bytes captured (480 bits) on interface \Device\NPF_{B3E06794-2606-46FD-8538-7E7426D08338}, id 0
    Ethernet II, Src: 08:a6:f7:48:be:9f (08:a6:f7:48:be:9f), Dst: Broadcast (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
    Internet Protocol Version 4
        0000 .... = Version: 0
            [Expert Info (Error/Protocol): Bogus IPv4 version]
                [Bogus IPv4 version]
                [Severity level: Error]
                [Group: Protocol]
  3. Nmap scan shows no ports open(expected 80 or 443 open)
  4. Connecting via USB to my pc i see a device "USB-SERIAL CH340 (COM3)" but when using putty or other tools it connects but no screen output, tried various speeds it always connects but no screen ouput.

Im trying to add some pictures but are unable to upload a png(image) file to this post, 
"The file upload failed. Please choose a valid file and try again. Error details: PHP returned: Failed to write the file to disk. Please contact your forum administrator with this error."
because the new board without firmware, you need download KCS firmware firstly. here is online guide:
during download firmware, remove RF433M receiver module from PCB.
(07-17-2024, 11:58 PM)admin Wrote: because the new board without firmware, you need download KCS firmware firstly. here is online guide:
during download firmware, remove RF433M receiver module from PCB.

I used the and have it with tasmota, but i dont have any inputs or outputs, i think im missing something? Is there a guide you can point me to ?
you need confirm whether your tasmota firmware have enabled PCF8574 function.
(07-22-2024, 10:46 AM)admin Wrote: you need confirm whether your tasmota firmware have enabled PCF8574 function.

I did all this but PCF8574 does not show up?
Update: it seems there is a crucial part that is missing from that guide, i had to go "configure other" and set {"NAME":"KC868-A16 rev 1.4","GPIO":[32,1,1,1,640,608,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,5600,1,0,1,1,5568,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1],"FLAG":0,"BASE":1} and [ x ] Activate and save

One last question when i turn on and outputs i cant measure any output with multimeter im using this: 
[Image: a16-connections.jpg] 
im measuring between output 1 and the 12/24V

Do i need to connect the 12/24V to my power supply or is it internally connected on the PCB? As the next diagram suggests i need to connect it to a power supply?
[Image: a16-connections3.jpg]

This is my real world test:
[Image: T7XwJGw.png]
I dont see the output lights, light up on the PCB or the Relay switching. 

My Tasmota settings:
[Image: 4FXm0Qm.png]
Dear reader,
I have one A16 board loading just fine with new firmware but the second board gives constantly the error
- Flash Size: 4MB
Unexpected error: The firmware binary is invalid (magic byte=FF, should be E9)

What can this be
KCS_KC868_A16_V2.2.2.bin firmware is used.
because your diagram is wrong. two "12/24V" terminal should connect to your power supply. extend relay's "coin_A2" should connect to power supply's +12V.
(07-22-2024, 10:18 PM)admin Wrote: because your diagram is wrong. two "12/24V" terminal should connect to your power supply.  extend relay's "coin_A2" should connect to power supply's +12V.

So it should be like this? 
[Image: lb70cXs.png]

My last question, shouldnt the lights on the PCB turn on when the output is activated ?
Yes, last photo is correct.
After connecting, as soon as i boot up the LED on the PCB for that output is bright red, and toggling on or off in tasmota will not turn it off or on. Measuring with a multimeter on my two points on my rele i don't have any current ?

[Image: 6KbQ0ll.jpeg]

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