09-27-2024, 02:24 AM
* This program reads voltage values from the ADS1115 analog-to-digital converter
* on all four channels (A0, A1, A2, A3) and prints the results through the serial port.
* The ADS1115 communicates via the I2C protocol. This version of the code includes
* the capability to specify custom SDA and SCL pins for I2C communication.
* Copyright: Made by KinCony IoT: https://www.kincony.com
#include <Wire.h> // Library for I2C communication
#include <DFRobot_ADS1115.h> // Library for ADS1115 ADC module
// Define the I2C SDA and SCL pins for communication with ADS1115
#define SDA_PIN 38
#define SCL_PIN 39
// Initialize ADS1115 instance using the Wire library
DFRobot_ADS1115 ads(&Wire);
void setup(void)
// Begin serial communication at a baud rate of 115200
// Initialize the I2C bus using the defined SDA and SCL pins
Wire.begin(SDA_PIN, SCL_PIN);
// Set the I2C address for the ADS1115 (default: 0x49)
ads.setAddr_ADS1115(ADS1115_IIC_ADDRESS0); // Address is 0x49
// Set the gain for the ADS1115 (2/3x gain allows for a maximum input voltage of 6.144V)
// Set the ADS1115 to operate in single-shot mode (each reading is a single conversion)
// Set the sample rate to 128 samples per second (SPS)
// Set the operational status mode to single-conversion start
// Initialize the ADS1115 module
void loop(void)
// Check if the ADS1115 is properly connected and functioning
if (ads.checkADS1115())
// Variables to store the voltage readings for each channel
int16_t adc0, adc1, adc2, adc3;
// Read the voltage from channel A0 and print the value
adc0 = ads.readVoltage(0);
Serial.print("mV, "); // Print the value in millivolts
// Read the voltage from channel A1 and print the value
adc1 = ads.readVoltage(1);
Serial.print("mV, "); // Print the value in millivolts
// Read the voltage from channel A2 and print the value
adc2 = ads.readVoltage(2);
Serial.print("mV, "); // Print the value in millivolts
// Read the voltage from channel A3 and print the value
adc3 = ads.readVoltage(3);
Serial.println("mV"); // Print the value in millivolts and end the line
// If ADS1115 is not connected, print a message indicating disconnection
Serial.println("ADS1115 Disconnected!");
// Wait for 1 second before the next loop iteration
3-ads1115_adc.zip (Size: 1.2 KB / Downloads: 46)
BIN file (you can use esp32 download tool download to ESP32-S3 with address 0x0 then directly to use) download:
3-ads1115_adc.ino.merged.zip (Size: 190.35 KB / Downloads: 49)