name: kc868-a4
platform: ESP32
board: esp32dev
- platform: esp32_dac
pin: GPIO25
id: dac_output2
- platform: esp32_dac
pin: GPIO26
id: dac_output1
- platform: monochromatic
output: dac_output1
name: "KC868-A4-DAC1"
gamma_correct: 2
id: dac_light1
- platform: monochromatic
output: dac_output2
name: "KC868-A4-DAC2"
id: dac_light2
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
password: "3b853165e19b67ba8193c59fe59f21a7"
ssid: "KinCony"
password: "a12345678"
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "Kc868-A4 Fallback Hotspot"
password: "RgIGz8qo4bVC"
Hi Admins,
I use KC868-A4 with esphome.
I have problem with DAC output, in my case is to low. Max i have 9.45V. But i need 9.8V minimum. What i can do in my problem
what's your power supply voltage?
(11-26-2022, 12:02 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]what's your power supply voltage?
DC 12V 2A with voltage adjust. Now i set 12,3V but it did nothing. I tried two other power supplies (DC 12V 5A, and 1,67A), same result.
So any idea? Why can't get 10V ?
On your video about DAC is 9,5V. It's max?
1. you can check your PCB 3.3v Vcc pin whether is well. whether it's 3.3v value.
now R37,R38,R47,R49 all are 10K resistance.
if use 20K resistance , MAX DAC voltage should be: 3.3v * (1 + 20K/10K) = 9.9V
2. if Vcc is 3.3v work well , you can try to replace 20K resistance to 22K for a test. it should be output MAX 10.05V
(11-30-2022, 08:39 AM)Tomek Wrote: [ -> ]So any idea? Why can't get 10V ?
On your video about DAC is 9,5V. It's max?
Were you able to solve it? I'm looking into this board to control my gas fireplace which needs 0v (off) and 10v (2 burners, high flames).
(11-30-2022, 09:04 AM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]1. you can check your PCB 3.3v Vcc pin whether is well. whether it's 3.3v value.
now R37,R38,R47,R49 all are 10K resistance.
if use 20K resistance , MAX DAC voltage should be: 3.3v * (1 + 20K/10K) = 9.9V
2. if Vcc is 3.3v work well , you can try to replace 20K resistance to 22K for a test. it should be output MAX 10.05V
Hi, I have a couple of questions, hope you find the time.
Which is one the Vcc pin?
And where i should put the 20k or 22k resistance?
And will it also be able to produce 0V?
Which is one the Vcc pin? that is 5V , see text on the PCB.
And where i should put the 20k or 22k resistance? R37,R38,R47,R49
I'm using node red in home assistant.
I have tried several various ways to control DAC (percentage value) from node red without success.
Output is working fine in lovelace.
Could you show an example how control should be done in node red?
which board you are using? if use KC868-A4 board, i think you can download "KCS" v2 firmware, then integrate to Node-Red by MQTT.