Please help me to select proper kit for my project based on following requirements:
- 26 inputs from light switches (ON/OFF)
- 5 inputs from light switches (ON/OFF)
- 2 inputs from heating termostats (ON/OFF)
- 1 inputs from position of heater relay (ON/OFF)
- 1 input for DS18B20 wire
- 8 inputs from electric system relay position status (ON/OFF)
- 19 inputs from window contact sensors (ON/OFF)
- 26 outputs for lamps
- 3 outputs for ventilators
- 7 outputs for heating system
- 3 outputs for electric system
- 7 outputs for electric system
I need 62 inputs and 46 outputs and possibility to develop any code like it is possible in KC868-A16.
Maybe it is possible to connect input and output modules to KC868-A16 to extend pins?
you can chose KC868-A16, it have 16 channel DI and 16 channel DO. DO and DI use by IIC chip PCF8574, there is IIC extend interface on the PCB, you can use PCF8574 to extend more DO and DI.
This is not what I am looking for. I want ready input-output module with enclosure and screw terminal connection.
I didn't see chip PCF8574 made like that. It is always done not ready to use. No enclosure, no screw connections etc.
In this case I would better select 2pcs of Arduino Mega 2560. The only problem is that it is hard to find enclosure for Arduino Mega 2560 with W5500 ethernet shield installed.
Your KC868-A16 looks great because it is easy to install, because there is enclosure, screw terminal connections, ethernet and wifi on board and there is possibility to develop own logic in Arduino IDE.
But to make it universal for customers you should offer input-output modules. Otherwise it makes no sense.
Look on attached pictures. Another seller offers PLC and IO modules, which can be connected directly to PLC using special connector on the right side of PLC. Or when you need IO modules far from PLC you can connect to PLC special bus coupler module via ethernet or RS485 and then connect to bus coupler many IO modules.
(02-06-2022, 10:39 AM)schel4ok Wrote: [ -> ]This is not what I am looking for. I want ready input-output module with enclosure and screw terminal connection.
I didn't see chip PCF8574 made like that. It is always done not ready to use. No enclosure, no screw connections etc.
In this case I would better select 2pcs of Arduino Mega 2560. The only problem is that it is hard to find enclosure for Arduino Mega 2560 with W5500 ethernet shield installed.
Your KC868-A16 looks great because it is easy to install, because there is enclosure, screw terminal connections, ethernet and wifi on board and there is possibility to develop own logic in Arduino IDE.
But to make it universal for customers you should offer input-output modules. Otherwise it makes no sense.
what software you draw this photo? it's beautiful.
(02-06-2022, 10:39 AM)schel4ok Wrote: [ -> ]Look on attached pictures. Another seller offers PLC and IO modules, which can be connected directly to PLC using special connector on the right side of PLC. Or when you need IO modules far from PLC you can connect to PLC special bus coupler module via ethernet or RS485 and then connect to bus coupler many IO modules.
i think you can chose KC868-H32BS, it have 32 channel DI and 32 channel DO. support ethenret,wifi,RS232,RS485 modbus, support connect to KC868-COLB logical controller.
It is not my pictures. I took them from seller website.
KC868-COLB is not an option for me. There is no possibility to develop logic like it is possible in ESP
I think if you want to write your code by ESP, you can wait for a moment, now we are design KC868-A32, that use by ESP32+32 channel DI+ 32 channel DI. you can use 2pcs if you are not hurry.
Oh! That would be interesting for me!
With two 32 + one 8 I could change everything to these system. Like in my last post, make a 24v version
For DI and working
What is approximate price for KC868-A32 and when it will be available for sales?
Maybe you better make KC868-A64?