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Full Version: Tuya licence for "KCS" firmware order link
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Hi Sir! I got the Tuya License. I setup the tuya license ready but when I was scan QR code it dose not catch the QR code. the picture below. 
send me your email, we re send the qrcode image to your email.
(02-16-2024, 11:08 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]send me your email, we re send the qrcode image to your email.

hi sir! this is my email: ( 3 licenses are the same ) Can not catch QRcode. Thanks!
3 qrcode images have sent to your email.
(03-11-2023, 01:20 PM)admin Wrote: [ -> ]please check your tuya account using which tuya server location. if really wrong. don't worry, we re-send a new tuya lincence to you.

Hi, i am the beginner of the kincony, could you tell how to use mobile photo remote control the fan, i chose the model is kcs868 aio. thanks

I have purchased the tuya key but my software cannot enter the product id or device id
1. download KCS firmware to your KC868-AIO, how to download see here:

2. input all your tuya license in Tuya config webpage and ENABLE tuya protocol.

3. download "智能生活" app for your mobile phone if you are using China Tuya server. download "Tuya smart" app if you outside China.

4. use phone app to scan QRcode add device.
The model I bought is kc868 aio and I have also purchased the tuya certificate. May I ask how to realize the remote control of the mobile phone? According to the previous operation process, the mobile phone cannot connect to the Bluetooth of the hardware

I have downloaded the kc firmware as requested, how do I download it to my device? Also, there is no QRcode on the device

The tuya smart app prompts me to scan a QR code, but I don't have one on my device。
The Doodle app prompts me to scan the two-dimensional code, but there is no two-dimensional code on my device. I operated according to the process of using the document, and the ip of the device was not scanned. In addition, in the process cannot be opened.
after you input your tuya license on KCS webpage, it will show the QRcode. just do as KCS v2 online guide , or you can check with your YouTube video tour.
Consulta, funciona con tuya en modo LAN (sin internet), entendiendo en tuya tiene esa funcionalidad
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