The KC868-A128 can be integrated with MQTT in Home Assistant?
I'm using this firmware version for KC868-A128: v1.0.27.
If yes, what are the steps and the configuration lines in the "configuration.yaml" file in Home Assistant?
Thank you!
yes, it is true that through EspHome it is easier. I'm interested in keeping this position as well "KCS" v1.0.27 firmware for KC868-A64 A128
We used your configuration lines, it's seeing the device in HA, but it cannot control it. No feedback from device.
We used this lines:
- name: 'bunica-01'
unique_id: bunica-01
state_topic: 'KC868_A128/D4D4DAE11FE8/state'
command_topic: 'KC868_A128/D4D4DAE11FE8/set'
payload_on: '{"output1":{"value":true}}'
payload_off: '{"output1":{"value":false}}'
value_template: '{{ value_json.output1.value }}'
state_on: true
state_off: false
What is wrong here?
See also the screen captures.
"broker address" should input mqtt:// you not input "mqtt://"
in the YAML file to make this change or in the A128 board?
I tried this in the a128 card but with the same result. I see the button created in HA, but nothing happens when pressed
post your yaml file at here.
it is posted above as a picture
and the file
state_topic: 'KC868_A128/D4D4DAE11FE8/state' wrong
command_topic: 'KC868_A128/D4D4DAE11FE8/set' wrong
should be
state_topic: 'KC868_A128/D4D4DAE11FE8/STATE'
command_topic: 'KC868_A128/D4D4DAE11FE8/SET'
"state" and "set", should be Uppercase。
Thank you. It is solved, it works.
but one more question.
To be able to see the input. is it another line of code?