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[Arduino IDE demo source code for KC868-A6]--#09-RS485_code
[Arduino IDE demo source code for KC868-A6]--#09-RS485_code

void setup(){


void loop() {


.zip (Size: 469.3 KB / Downloads: 518)
I've looked at the A6 schematic and it doesn't seem the DE/RE pins of the RS485 chip ( MAX13487E) are connected to the ESP32.

Does this mean the A6 can only transmit RS485, or am I missing something obvious?

Thanks in advance,

DE/RE not need to use, MAX13487 will auto control the signal direction. for ESP32 just use RXD,TXD pins is ok.
(02-16-2023, 12:13 AM)admin Wrote: DE/RE not need to use, MAX13487 will auto control the signal direction. for ESP32 just use RXD,TXD pins is ok.

Hello, thanks for the quick reply!

I had a quick look at the MAX13487 datasheet and assumed it was the same as all the other 485 chips I have used.  Wrong!

Thanks again!


DE/RE pin just connect together with 10k resistance to Vcc is ok.
(02-16-2023, 01:31 AM)admin Wrote: DE/RE pin just connect together with 10k resistance to Vcc is ok.

Hmm, I still don't seem to be getting any data out of the RS485 port.  I have it connected to a known working RS458 to USB on my computer, and I'm not seeing any data on my serial terminal (all set for 9600, 8N1).

What board definition should I be using in the Arduino IDE?  I'm currently using 'ESP Dev Module'.  I'm wondering if Serial2 is using the correct TX and RX pins for this board.

Thanks again!
do you have define the Serial2 pin in your arduino config fle firstly?
this is RS485 pin define for KC868-A6
(02-16-2023, 03:46 AM)admin Wrote: do you have define the Serial2 pin in your arduino config fle firstly?

this is RS485 pin define for KC868-A6

Ah!  Ok.  I made that change and my Modbus read is now working!  Excellent, thankyou very much.

Did I miss some documentation / wiki that tells me to change the RX2 and TX2 pins?  Is there other defines that I should be changing?

Thanks again, I'm really enjoying working with this board.  It's a really nice layout.


ok, only serial port and IIC bus SDA and SCL pins need set by arduino config file firstly.
The RS485 code you posted is empty, the compressed file contains an empty .ino

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