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Hello Kincony,

I really enjoy both my KC868-A4 and KC868-A8 units. They work very well! I currently use Tasmota which I find excellent ( for A8 and 12.2.1 for A4).

I have started to do more intensive use of the A4 board and I went to connect the second TEMP connection shown on circuit to find it was not connected. I can see why it was changed - to add 3V3 which is important however I do not have an up to date circuit diagram.

The circuit diagram I have for A4 is:

I would like an updated drawing if possible.

Thank you in advance

Big Grin
your link already is our KC868-A4 diagram.
if you want to use multi sensor, if you use 1-wire sensor, such as DS18B20 temperature sensor, you can connect together with one GPIO port, it's no problem.
what need help?

Thank you for the fast reply! I should have provided more information in my first message Smile .

I currently use 3 x DS18B20 sensors as the Tasmota software can support up to 8 sensors on the same input. This inquiry is not for additional temperature sensors but to add a Temperature and humidity sensor (AM2301) to the design.
Examining the circuit diagram it should have been able to do this as the circuit shows 2 x TEMP inputs (GPIO 12 & 13). However you made a smart decision and the pin was replaced with 3V3. This is understandable (and actually very good!) but it does make a second TEMP input problem as I initially selected the A4 board based on examination of the circuit diagram as it showed 2 x TEMP which I now find does not match the REV 1.2.4 board.

Because R27 and R28 are not used I think I am asking for the correct diagram in case I can make these adjustments.

Please see attached pictures. These highlight the areas on the circuit diagram which are in error.
You can also see the photo where I have used 3 x DS18B20 sensors connected to the header. The presence of the 3V3 made this very simple.

Thank you for any assistance you can with an updated circuit or information that may help.
(Perhaps I can use the IR RX Led circuit [GPIO 23] with modification if GPIO 12 is too difficult?)

Thank you


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1. take a photo of your whole PCB board, i want to see the pcb verison that printed on pcb. now i only see half of image.
2. i think you can use IR RX or 433M RF RX gpio pin for other function. (if you not use IR and RF function). not suggest to use GPIO12, sometimes it may affect the ESP32 program download.
Hi Kincony,

Thank you for the advice! I will stay away from IO12. This is the important information!

My design does not use IR. I see this as the easiest to modify.

Please see attached photo of main board.



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i think you can see this link:
this is hardware details for A4 board.

we only used TEP1 in A4 board, not used TEP2.
[Image: ch07-temp2.png]
Hi Kincony,
Many thanks for helping me with this modification.
I installed a header (similar to the 433 MHz RX header) in place of the IR diode. The IR diode can now plugin to the header to continue as IR Rx. This allows a header connected to AM2301 to replace the IR diode when I need this. The AM2301 is mounted close the the A4 and works well.
The AM2301 has an internal 4K7 pull up resistor which would operate in parallel with the board mounted 47K designed for the IR diode. This enables both units to be optimised without changing the 47K resistor.

I am sure there are other products that can be plugged into this if needed by others so long as their pull up resistor is either 47K or found internal to the module.



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good job, thanks for share your result.

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