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Can the extend icc feature in your KC868-UAIR product be integrated with BME680 Temperature+Pressure+Humidity+Gas Sensor via BSEC?
Can all data be accessed without any problems?
temperature,humidity,co2,aqi etc
  Can we purchase the product with sensors for R&D purposes?
sure, there are many free GPIOs on KC868-Uair's PCB. you can use two GPIOs for i2c bus SDA and SCL.
thanks admin

How can I order KC868-UAIR product and bme-680 product as bundlec on Aliexpress ?
we not have bme-680, you can buy bme-680 from other seller.
we sell KC868-UAIR.
thanks admin

I will buy the product as bundle2

I will buy bme680 from another seller

I request you to write me the bme680_bsec connection diagram and integration details.

If it is possible to connect sht30 and bme680_bsec at the same time, I need the connection diagram, yaml and other information.

thank you for your support
i2c bus use 3.3v,gnd,SDA,SCL , total 4 wires connect to sensor.
hello admin,

I purchased your KC868-UaiR from aliexpress.

I got the product after a long wait

I have some questions

1) Is esphome or kincony firmware installed on the product? Because there is no movement in the LEDs.

2) If you have a yaml file that runs the esphome led + ir + rf functions, could you share it with me?

3) Could you send me an example of a yaml file containing the mqtt structure that records the IR control codes and sends the codes to devices that work with IR?
1. without ESPHome firmware in ESP32 when you get the product.
2. how to use IR, IR, RF demo in our forum, because it's not like a relay and digital input port (they are fixed). IR and RF for everyone have different usage.
3. IR and RF learn by KCS firmware, not by esphome, then you can use MQTT command to send learned IR and RF code. here is mqtt protocol about RF and IR:

if you really don't understand how to do, ok, when i have free time, make a video tour for you, how to learn IR and RF and send by MQTT.
hi admin,

"if you really don't understand how to do, ok, when i have free time, make a video tour for you, how to learn IR and RF and send by MQTT"

I need this video very much. I would be grateful to you

ok, next week have i have free time, will make it.

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