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KC868-H8B V4.34 new firmware update
[Image: kc868-h8b_pix550.jpg]
1. Support connect to 2 cloud server work at the same time by UDP (KinCony's Cloud server) and MQTT (private MQTT broker server)

2. Fixed controller have delay time when send a large number of commands control relay in TCP Server mode.

3. add auto switch communication line function: if "wifi" and "ethernet " all use by "UDP" work mode connect to KinCony's cloud server. when ethernet line is disconnected (or bad), controller will switch to use "wifi", if ethernet cable is connected, then will switch to use ethernet line connect to cloud server again.

4. when use KinCony smart home app by "UDP" work mode, if turn ON/OFF any relay will feedback the relay state and digital input state to MQTT message.

5. add MQTT query relay state and input state command.
payload={"relay8":{"read":1}}  will feedback 8 relays and 8 input state

6. add RS232 command for wifi and ethernet work mode reset
send:"reset-lan"          will set "ethernet" work mode by TCP Server and IP static=
send:"reset-wifi-lan"    will set "ethernet" and "wifi" work mode by UDP , IP mode by DHCP

download the ZIP file , unzip update the bin file for KC868-H8B relay controller by USB-RS232 cable.

.zip (Size: 39.63 KB / Downloads: 390)
firmware update tool download:
Question: If my KC868-H8B is not with label AT in front I can not upgrade it?
Is there another way, beside welding a new MCU? 
I do not now what MCU to use, or where is located.
Please help.
H8B need new MCU to update. because old CPU have not enough flash memory to use. only need welding MCU.
CPU model can use by : STM32F103RC,STM32F103RD,STM32F103RE or AT32F413RBT7
you can buy by yourself, or buy from our store.
we will upload MCU to our online store later, if some people want to update, can welding and replace the CPU.
Ok, I will wait until you sell a good MCU on your website.
In the mean while, is there a way to use my KC-868-H8B with home assistant and MQTT, without software upgrade?
if you want integrate with MQTT work for home assistant, must update firmware and use new CPU.
Now the price of chips is very very high, if you can buy from your local country , I suggest you buy by yourself.
Right now what you sell is compatible with home assistant and MQTT?
If not, can you point me here with link to your MQTT compatible products?
Now selling the KC868-H8B all is use new MCU chip, support home assistant by MQTT now.

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