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KC868-D16 all tested light bulbs are flickering
I purchased and had electricians install the KC868-D16 dimmer along with a PQSSR-10DV 0-10V / 10A SSR relay to control the dimming of 220V light bulbs. However, there's an issue: all the light bulbs tested in every circuit flicker at any brightness level except 100%. I've tested 10 different brands of light bulbs in total, including both normal and decorative incandescent and halogen bulbs, as well as one 20W LED. This is a significant problem for me, as I've already designed the lighting infrastructure in my new flat around the KC868-D16 dimmer, and this flickering issue was unexpected. I didn't find any mention of potential problems in the product description or manuals. Is there a way to resolve this issue please?

1. Dimmer: KC868-D16 16 CH Tuya Dimmer Controller WiFi+Ethernet+RS485 Switch Module (Kincony store)
2. SSR Relay: Voltage Type Regulating Solid-State Relay Regulator PQSSR-10DV 0-10V /10A (Kincony store)
3. Power adapter for dimmer: MW DIN Rail switch power supply DC12V 2A Max 24W For smart home automation distribution box DIY (Kincony store)

Attached pictures:
a) The power adapter
b) Tested light bulbs

Many thanks,



Yes, DC load is better than AC220v lamp. because SSR sometime have compatibility issues with LED lamp.
if you use "tungsten lamp“ will be work fine. we are try to development a new way for AC220v lamp.
I tested four classic tungsten incandescent light bulbs and four halogen lights (8 in total - please see the picture). All of them flickered on almost all brightness levels. Is this unusual or unexpected? If so, what could the problem be?

1. Could the dimmer unit be faulty?
2. Is a 24W power adapter enough?

The lights are connected to three separate SSR relays, so assuming these are okay.

is this lamp also can't work?  how many power of the lamp?
can you take a video of your problem, send to whatsapp number: +86-15381188302
we have tested with "BLACK" color SSR. it has compatibility issues. Now we are planing design a new one instead of this type SSR found in market. When have news i will tell you.
Does 'compatibility issue' mean that the tested SSR also flickered?
Has the manufacturer of PQLYT SSRs begun delivering faulty units?
Any ETA for the new solution please?

Thanks for working on this issue!

we have tested, if work with dimmable LED lamp, it will have compatibility issue.
but if we use tungsten lamp, it's ok. see this photo. we have bought some different power lamp.
But i think the SSR compatibility is not very good. 
now we are designing a new PCB for testing, we need wait the result, maybe need 2-3 weeks will have result. if you want buy some SSR in your local city, you can also buy some SSR for testing. 
connect a capacitance 100uf/25v to SSR's 0-10v input port will be solve your problem.
I can confirm that adding the capacitor fixed the issue. There is no flicker with dimmable tungsten incandescent light bulbs. Now it works also reasonably even with non-dimmable light bulbs.

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