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How do I get access to the I2C bus? I want to add an LCD display.


A8 have a i2c extender interface on PCB, you can use it SDA,SCL connect to your display. such as SSD1306 i2c LCD display.
i'm triyng to add a pcf8574T via i2c but the kc868-a8 (I'm using esphome) doesn't see it during the scan. I checked the pcf with an Arduino Uno and everything works properly.
with Arduino I at first did a scan to find the right address. then i added the following code on the KC868-a8

#additional pcf8574t
- id: 'pcf8574_hub_in_2' # for input channel 9-16
address: 0x27

but I had no result

many thanks for your suggestion!
take a photo , how you connect wire with i2c module. make sure you have set the correct i2c address.

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