innovation news about KC868 Smart Controller hardware and software or firmware update

KinCony F16 ESP32-S3 16A ...
10-05-2024, 02:29 AM
by admin

204 Threads 
864 Replies
204 Threads 
864 Replies
KinCony F16 ESP32-S3 16A ...
10-05-2024, 02:29 AM
by admin
KC868-HxB series Smart Controller
Questions for KC868-HxB Relay Controller and KC868-COL/COLB/COLBS/COLB-Mini Logical Controller and KC868-Dx Dimmer Controller

UDP,TCP Server,TCP Client...
09-23-2024, 07:04 AM
by dorishuntt

310 Threads 
1,935 Replies
310 Threads 
1,935 Replies
UDP,TCP Server,TCP Client...
09-23-2024, 07:04 AM
by dorishuntt
DIY Project
Share your DIY project photo or documents

How to setup S3 Core Boar...
10-07-2024, 09:54 AM
by weedtop

122 Threads 
835 Replies
122 Threads 
835 Replies
How to setup S3 Core Boar...
10-07-2024, 09:54 AM
by weedtop
Development support for KC868 Smart Controller

09-27-2024, 12:27 PM
by csacomani

68 Threads 
473 Replies
68 Threads 
473 Replies
09-27-2024, 12:27 PM
by csacomani
KC868-A series and Uair Smart Controller
Questions for ESP32 home automation products that write code by Arduino IDE or config by ESPHome for home assistant

KCS firmware - MQTT LWT?
10-11-2024, 10:48 PM
by lpb19

158 Threads 
892 Replies
158 Threads 
892 Replies
KCS firmware - MQTT LWT?
10-11-2024, 10:48 PM
by lpb19
KC868-Server Raspberry Pi4 local server
home automation DIY by home assistant & Node-Red based on Raspberry Pi CM4 Linux computer and ESP32

How to kc868 server with ...
10-10-2024, 11:44 PM
by admin

61 Threads 
397 Replies
61 Threads 
397 Replies
How to kc868 server with ...
10-10-2024, 11:44 PM
by admin
KinCony Server-Mini / Server-16 Raspberry Pi4 relay module
install Raspberry Pi OS using Node-Red or home assistant for anything

10-11-2024, 03:13 AM
by admin

38 Threads 
149 Replies
38 Threads 
149 Replies
10-11-2024, 03:13 AM
by admin
Getting Started with ESPHome and Home Assistant
ESPHome tutorial for beginner. step by step tell you how to use ESPHome for home assistant

Retain Switch status ESPH...
Yesterday, 11:06 AM
by admin

33 Threads 
118 Replies
33 Threads 
118 Replies
Retain Switch status ESPH...
Yesterday, 11:06 AM
by admin
Home automation training courses
Home autoamtion online free courses for beginner, take you step by step to learn smart home hardware and software system

Lesson19 - add water leve...
10-02-2024, 06:44 AM
by admin

41 Threads 
274 Replies
41 Threads 
274 Replies
Lesson19 - add water leve...
10-02-2024, 06:44 AM
by admin
KinCony integrate with Loxone home automation
user case of KinCony board integrate with Loxone home automation

Loxone Project Templates ...
09-15-2024, 11:25 AM
by admin

22 Threads 
40 Replies
22 Threads 
40 Replies
Loxone Project Templates ...
09-15-2024, 11:25 AM
by admin
Schematic and diagram
KinCony's product hardware wire diagram different cases

Schematic of Power Distri...
08-20-2024, 11:41 PM
by admin

56 Threads 
199 Replies
56 Threads 
199 Replies
Schematic of Power Distri...
08-20-2024, 11:41 PM
by admin
Suggestions and feedback on KinCony's products
We will record your suggestions and feedback and may adopt your suggestions in the next new update

Any plans for KC868-D16 u...
09-25-2024, 01:47 AM
by admin

18 Threads 
108 Replies
18 Threads 
108 Replies
Any plans for KC868-D16 u...
09-25-2024, 01:47 AM
by admin
Customer project example
IoT case video shot by KinCony's customer

05-18-2024, 09:44 PM
by admin

30 Threads 
52 Replies
30 Threads 
52 Replies
05-18-2024, 09:44 PM
by admin
ThingsBoard — Open-source IoT (Internet of Things) Platform
Let board connect to own private cloud server

How to install ThingsBoar...
07-10-2024, 11:35 PM
by admin

1 Threads 
1 Replies
1 Threads 
1 Replies
How to install ThingsBoar...
07-10-2024, 11:35 PM
by admin

ESP32-S3 + WiFi + Ethernet + RS485 + Tuya + I2C + ADS1115 16bit ADC + Digital Input + DS3132 RTC + SSD1306 LCD + SD Card + 1 wire GPIOs + Free GPIOs MOSFET board

[arduino code examples fo...
10-11-2024, 10:02 AM
by admin

13 Threads 
15 Replies
13 Threads 
15 Replies
[arduino code examples fo...
10-11-2024, 10:02 AM
by admin

ESP32-S3 + WiFi + Ethernet + RS485 + Tuya + 433MHz Receiver + Analog Input + Digital Input + Manual Control Buttons + DS3132 RTC + SSD1306 LCD + SD Card + 1 wire GPIOs + Free GPIOs Relay board

[arduino code examples fo...
10-01-2024, 04:55 AM
by admin

12 Threads 
12 Replies
12 Threads 
12 Replies
[arduino code examples fo...
10-01-2024, 04:55 AM
by admin

"KCS" firmware system
“KCS” means “KinCony Super” , this is a new firmware developed by KinCony for KC868-A series products in 2023. It has powerful functions and supports multiple communication protocols.

"KCS" v2.2.4 firmware BIN...
Yesterday, 11:13 AM
by admin

96 Threads 
814 Replies
96 Threads 
814 Replies
"KCS" v2.2.4 firmware BIN...
Yesterday, 11:13 AM
by admin
smallest ESP32 + WiFi + Ethernet + RS485 + I2C + free GPIOs relay board

Kc868-AM and sensors
09-15-2024, 11:58 PM
by admin

21 Threads 
56 Replies
21 Threads 
56 Replies
Kc868-AM and sensors
09-15-2024, 11:58 PM
by admin
ESP32 + WiFi + DS3231 RTC + SD Card + 1 wire temperature humidity GPIOs relay board

[Arduino source code for ...
04-28-2024, 05:21 AM
by admin

9 Threads 
11 Replies
9 Threads 
11 Replies
[Arduino source code for ...
04-28-2024, 05:21 AM
by admin
ESP32 + WiFi + Ethernet + RS485 + 4G/2G SIM Card + I2C + Digital Input + 1 wire temperature humidity GPIOs relay board

22 Threads 
114 Replies
22 Threads 
114 Replies
SHT30/DS18B20 errors and ...
1 hour ago
by admin
ESP32 + WiFi + IR + RF433MHz + Analog Input + Analog Output + Digital Input + 1 wire temperature humidity GPIOs relay board

OLED display for A4
09-26-2024, 05:59 PM
by tarajas

98 Threads 
462 Replies
98 Threads 
462 Replies
OLED display for A4
09-26-2024, 05:59 PM
by tarajas
ESP32 + WiFi + Ethernet + RS485 + 4G/2G SIM Card + I2C + Analog Input + Analog Output (PWM) + Digital Input + 1 wire temperature humidity GPIOs relay board

ESPHOME DAC 0-10 Valve co...
09-09-2024, 11:00 PM
by admin

23 Threads 
78 Replies
23 Threads 
78 Replies
ESPHOME DAC 0-10 Valve co...
09-09-2024, 11:00 PM
by admin
ESP32 + WiFi + LoRa/nRF24L01 + I2C + Analog Input + Analog Output + Digital Input + 1 wire temperature humidity GPIOs relay board

How to Add an Extra Modul...
10-10-2024, 11:51 PM
by admin

76 Threads 
425 Replies
76 Threads 
425 Replies
How to Add an Extra Modul...
10-10-2024, 11:51 PM
by admin
ESP32 + WiFi + Ethernet + I2C + RF433MHz + Analog Input + Digital Input + 1 wire temperature humidity GPIOs relay board

KC868-A8 Ethernet Problem
09-30-2024, 01:11 PM
by Namil Heo

81 Threads 
504 Replies
81 Threads 
504 Replies
KC868-A8 Ethernet Problem
09-30-2024, 01:11 PM
by Namil Heo
ESP32 + WiFi + Ethernet + RS485 + CAN Bus + 4G/2G SIM Card + RF433MHz + I2C + Digital Input + Analog Input + Manaul Control Buttons + 1 wire temperature humidity GPIOs + 8 Channel MOSFET board

ESPHome DAC output DC 0-1...
07-02-2024, 10:26 PM
by admin

13 Threads 
52 Replies
13 Threads 
52 Replies
ESPHome DAC output DC 0-1...
07-02-2024, 10:26 PM
by admin
ESP32 + WiFi + Ethernet + RS485 + 4G/2G SIM Card + I2C + RF433MHz + Analog Input + Digital Input + 1 wire temperature humidity GPIOs + WS2812 LED + buzzer + relay board

kc868-A8S v2 not working ...
09-06-2024, 01:27 AM
by admin

56 Threads 
243 Replies
56 Threads 
243 Replies
kc868-A8S v2 not working ...
09-06-2024, 01:27 AM
by admin
ESP32 + Tuya + Energy Meter + WiFi + Ethernet + RS485 + 4G SIM Card + I2C + RF433MHz + Digital Input + 1 wire temperature humidity GPIOs removable relay board

KC868-E8T added Tuya modu...
06-05-2024, 04:32 AM
by admin

12 Threads 
63 Replies
12 Threads 
63 Replies
KC868-E8T added Tuya modu...
06-05-2024, 04:32 AM
by admin
ESP32 + WiFi + Ethernet + RS485 + I2C + RF433MHz + Digital Input + 1 wire temperature humidity GPIOs MOSFET board

B16M vS A16
10-08-2024, 11:38 AM
by admin

131 Threads 
1,015 Replies
131 Threads 
1,015 Replies
B16M vS A16
10-08-2024, 11:38 AM
by admin
ESP32 + WiFi + Ethernet + RS485 + 4G/2G SIM Card + I2C + RF433MHz + Digital Input + Manaul Control Buttons + 1 wire temperature humidity GPIOs relay board

rs485 port with kc868-a16...
Yesterday, 07:56 AM
by admin

30 Threads 
139 Replies
30 Threads 
139 Replies
rs485 port with kc868-a16...
Yesterday, 07:56 AM
by admin
ESP32 + WiFi + Ethernet + RS485 + I2C + RF433MHz + Digital Input + buzzer + 1 wire temperature humidity GPIOs removable relay board

Power supply
09-23-2024, 11:21 PM
by admin

37 Threads 
172 Replies
37 Threads 
172 Replies
Power supply
09-23-2024, 11:21 PM
by admin
ESP32 + Tuya + WiFi + Ethernet + RS485 + I2C + RF433MHz + DS3231 RTC Socket + Digital Input + buzzer + 1 wire temperature humidity GPIOs removable relay board

Factory reset
07-04-2024, 07:30 AM
by admin

11 Threads 
60 Replies
11 Threads 
60 Replies
Factory reset
07-04-2024, 07:30 AM
by admin
KinCony A24
ESP32 + WiFi + Ethernet + RS485 + 4G + I2C + Analog Input + Analog Output + K-Type Thermocouple Temperature Sensor + Digital Input + 1 wire temperature humidity GPIOs relay board

A24 configure yaml for ES...
07-14-2024, 12:39 AM
by admin

11 Threads 
41 Replies
11 Threads 
41 Replies
A24 configure yaml for ES...
07-14-2024, 12:39 AM
by admin
KC868-A32/A32 Pro
ESP32 + WiFi + Ethernet + RS485 + 4G + GPS + I2C + Analog Input + Digital Input + 1 wire temperature humidity GPIOs relay board

A32 Pro ESPHome yaml incl...
10-08-2024, 01:51 AM
by admin

72 Threads 
267 Replies
72 Threads 
267 Replies
A32 Pro ESPHome yaml incl...
10-08-2024, 01:51 AM
by admin
ESP32 + WiFi + Ethernet + RS485 + 4G/2G SIM Card + DS3231 RTC Socket + RF433MHz + I2C + Analog Input + 32 Channel MOSFET board

I2C connector
09-08-2024, 04:53 PM
by giliardi

16 Threads 
42 Replies
16 Threads 
42 Replies
I2C connector
09-08-2024, 04:53 PM
by giliardi
ESP32 + WiFi + Ethernet + RS485 + I2C + Analog Input + Digital Input + 1 wire temperature humidity GPIOs + 64 Channel MOSFET board

Ghost trigger
10-12-2024, 11:02 AM
by admin

23 Threads 
101 Replies
23 Threads 
101 Replies
Ghost trigger
10-12-2024, 11:02 AM
by admin
ESP32 + WiFi + Ethernet + RS485 + I2C + Analog Input + Digital Input + 1 wire temperature humidity GPIOs 128 Channel MOSFET board

KC868-A128 integration wi...
03-12-2024, 12:32 AM
by admin

14 Threads 
51 Replies
14 Threads 
51 Replies
KC868-A128 integration wi...
03-12-2024, 12:32 AM
by admin
ESP32 + WiFi + Ethernet + RS485 + Analog Input + Digital Input + 256 Channel MOSFET board

A256 circuit diagram
01-31-2024, 03:32 AM
by KinCony Support

8 Threads 
10 Replies
8 Threads 
10 Replies
A256 circuit diagram
01-31-2024, 03:32 AM
by KinCony Support
ESP32 + WiFi + Ethernet + RS232 + RS485 + RF433MHz + IR + Digital Input + free GPIOs + INPUT board

KC868-AI - input as outpu...
10-10-2024, 01:13 PM
by admin

22 Threads 
72 Replies
22 Threads 
72 Replies
KC868-AI - input as outpu...
10-10-2024, 01:13 PM
by admin
KC868-AG / AG Pro / AG8
ESP32 + WiFi + RF433MHz + IR + buzzer + ZigBee3.0 + Tuya + free GPIOs board

AG8 IR Controller
10-09-2024, 11:48 PM
by admin

34 Threads 
166 Replies
34 Threads 
166 Replies
AG8 IR Controller
10-09-2024, 11:48 PM
by admin
ESP32 + WiFi + RF433MHz + IR + buzzer + DS18B20 temperature sensor + WS2812 RGB LEDs + free GPIOs board

KC868 Uair  external sens...
06-27-2024, 05:30 AM
by admin

18 Threads 
93 Replies
18 Threads 
93 Replies
KC868 Uair  external sens...
06-27-2024, 05:30 AM
by admin
KC868-ATC / Tuya adapter V2
ESP32 + Tuya + WiFi + RS232 + RS485 + free GPIOs board

Tuya adapter V2 arduino s...
09-05-2024, 07:46 AM
by Bart

13 Threads 
87 Replies
13 Threads 
87 Replies
Tuya adapter V2 arduino s...
09-05-2024, 07:46 AM
by Bart
ESP32 + WiFi + RS232 + RS485 + I2C + Digital Input + free GPIOs keyboard

AK not connecting to cont...
05-20-2024, 10:17 PM
by admin

4 Threads 
23 Replies
4 Threads 
23 Replies
AK not connecting to cont...
05-20-2024, 10:17 PM
by admin
KC868-AP / ADR
ESP32 + WiFi + RS485 + I2C + Digital Input + analog output (include MOSFET driver) + relay dimmer board

04-28-2024, 12:53 AM
by admin

21 Threads 
99 Replies
21 Threads 
99 Replies
04-28-2024, 12:53 AM
by admin
ESP32 + WiFi + Ethernet + RS485 + 4G SIM Card + DS3231 RTC Socket + Digital Input + MOSFET Output + Analog Input + Analog Output + 1 wire temperature humidity GPIOs ESP32 All In One Board

Interfacing multiple LED ...
09-28-2024, 01:52 PM
by admin

31 Threads 
125 Replies
31 Threads 
125 Replies
Interfacing multiple LED ...
09-28-2024, 01:52 PM
by admin
KC868-M16 / M1 / MB / M30
ESP32 + WiFi + Ethernet + 4G + SD Card + 16 Channel CT Clamp + Analog Input + SSD1306 Displayer + DS3231 RTC Socket Energy Meter Monitor

M30 - Jumpers for CT inpu...
10-05-2024, 01:54 AM
by raphaelcno

60 Threads 
290 Replies
60 Threads 
290 Replies
M30 - Jumpers for CT inpu...
10-05-2024, 01:54 AM
by raphaelcno
KC868-HA /HA v2
The smallest RS485 IO Module let your switch panel or any dry contact sensor convert to RS485 integrate with home assistant

KC868 HA V2 and KCS v2
06-03-2024, 10:05 PM
by admin

12 Threads 
72 Replies
12 Threads 
72 Replies
KC868 HA V2 and KCS v2
06-03-2024, 10:05 PM
by admin
ESP32 + WiFi + Ethernet + RS485 + I2C + RF433MHz + Digital Input + DS18B20 temperature sensor + buzzer + relay board

KC868-1U connect with ext...
06-30-2023, 12:54 AM
by admin

10 Threads 
10 Replies
10 Threads 
10 Replies
KC868-1U connect with ext...
06-30-2023, 12:54 AM
by admin
KinCony ALR
ESP32-S3 + WiFi+ LoRa(SX1278) + I2C + Digital Input + Relay + 1-wire + Analog Input + SSD1306 LCD

ALR LoRa firmware for hom...
09-05-2024, 12:42 AM
by admin

4 Threads 
8 Replies
4 Threads 
8 Replies
ALR LoRa firmware for hom...
09-05-2024, 12:42 AM
by admin
Extender module
i2c relay module / i2c digital input module / ESP32 sd card / ESP32 development board

KinCony ESP32-S3 Core Boa...
10-04-2024, 12:41 AM
by admin

15 Threads 
24 Replies
15 Threads 
24 Replies
KinCony ESP32-S3 Core Boa...
10-04-2024, 12:41 AM
by admin

Apply for free sample product
To create tutorial, user guide, wiki or video guide for the KinCony users, and distribute them

Free sample for IT/tech e...
09-24-2024, 05:31 PM
by tarajas

42 Threads 
47 Replies
42 Threads 
47 Replies
Free sample for IT/tech e...
09-24-2024, 05:31 PM
by tarajas

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