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Full Version: KinCony Server-Mini / Server-16 Raspberry Pi4 relay module
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KinCony Server-Mini / Server-16 Raspberry Pi4 relay module


  1. Kincony Server 16 User Manual (5 Replies)
  2. Server16 raspberry pi (4 Replies)
  3. Server 16 Raspberry Specs (3 Replies)
  4. server mini cm4 no don't boot (4 Replies)
  5. how to control 16 relay using Python code (0 Replies)
  6. sesnors (9 Replies)
  7. USB ports (2 Replies)
  8. Sensor inputs (1 Reply)
  9. No power from relays (9 Replies)
  10. 4G card applications (1 Reply)
  11. Jumpered to boot from R Pi... (7 Replies)
  12. Very frustrated (1 Reply)
  13. MCP23017 Digital I/O Expander (1 Reply)
  14. Switch names don't get saved (4 Replies)
  15. Server 16 internal Relays (1 Reply)
  16. how to use KinCony Server16/Server-Mini work with Tuya app (0 Replies)
  17. Troubleshooting Modbus (7 Replies)
  18. Kincony Server 16 Modbus (3 Replies)
  19. raspi-config on Server Mini (1 Reply)
  20. Rs485 (15 Replies)
  21. Troubleshooting: Binary Sensor Entities Not Appearing (7 Replies)
  22. Get starded trouble (5 Replies)
  23. sever 16 (4 Replies)
  24. sever 16 (3 Replies)
  25. how to install home assistant for Server-16 beginner guide (0 Replies)
  26. add PWM to Server16 (raspberry pi4 GPIO) by ha-rpi_gpio_pwm in HA (0 Replies)
  27. add DS18B20 sensor to Server16 (raspberry pi4 GPIO) by 1-Wire via Sys Bus in HA (0 Replies)
  28. KinCony Server16 home assistant yaml for Relay and Digital input (0 Replies)
  29. KinCony Server16 Node-Red testing flows demo example (0 Replies)
  30. KinCony Server16 Raspberry Pi iot gateway CM4 GPIO pins define (0 Replies)
  31. New CM4 dont boot (5 Replies)
  32. KinCony Server-Mini Node-Red testing flows (0 Replies)
  33. Server-Mini hardware interface and resource (6 Replies)
  34. Home assistant 2023 sur CM4 sur ssd disque (1 Reply)
  35. Node-Red demo for Server-Mini use by RELAY and INPUT (2 Replies)
  36. how to add MCP23017 by i2c on Raspberry pi CM4 to extend GPIOs (0 Replies)
  37. Multiple I2C PORTs. (2 Replies)
  38. how to install raspberry pi CM4 module to KinCony Server-Mini (0 Replies)
  39. pip install rpi-rf for python (0 Replies)
  40. Accessing permission to open port /dev/ttyS0 for Serial communication (0 Replies)
  41. how to add Raspberry Pi GPIO integration to home assistant for SERVER-MINI (6 Replies)
  42. SERVER-MINI Raspberry Pi CM4 GPIO pins define (1 Reply)
  43. SERVER-MINI PCB python test code (7 Replies)